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Funny Thadius, Funny.

Sun Dec 23, 2007 4:48 pm
by Necromadon
You keep banning me from Xentales for no reason. Just because my points are correct and the points your butt buddies make are retarded. If Ej stopped supporting Xentales you'd commit suicide. That's pretty much why you ban me, that's the only other reason besides the fact that I offended your boyfriend.

Sun Dec 23, 2007 5:16 pm
by speed3b
EJ hadnt supported Xentales for about 4 years. It was still the most popular xenboard and they had no problems with member registration. It wasnt until earlier this year that EJ actually listed it back on the site again.

Tue Dec 25, 2007 10:19 pm
by thadiusofx3
I keep re-banning you because you were banned and keep coming back.
You had 0 valid points in that post.

Wed Dec 26, 2007 2:25 pm
by Necromadon
I wasn't talking about that post. The main reason why I wonder about EJ using Xentales is that you support hackers and give them adminship, then bash Ej behind his back in the "All Servers" forum.
Outside your own immature forum, EJ thought the points were very valid:
"I have actually had several emails from new people that play the game asking why I use this message board for the same reasons. It could have been him emailing me but at the same time I know there are a lot of childish people on here that do nothing but bash me, the game, and other people.
I think there are certainly some people out there that don't like this message board and their reasons are valid. But I know better than anyone that you cant please everyone all the time.
I have no problem adding another message board to the list if someone wants to set one up."

Thu Jan 03, 2008 9:38 am
by Sankt Pauli
This cracks me up.
Re: Funny Thadius, Funny.

Wed Sep 24, 2008 12:31 am
by Draco
I just barely glanced through this post.
Nobody wants any of the idiot xentalers here, although I don't know who you are, or even what your boardname is here because I already forgot it, so obviously no offense, but all I saw was a bunch of "blah blah wah wah cry bash defensivestuff more ranting blah wall of text wah blah"
Xen is horrible these days due to part of the xen population getting ppl that rant like this on the boards.
Re: Funny Thadius, Funny.

Wed Sep 24, 2008 4:10 am
by Cagen
Necromadon wrote:If Ej stopped supporting Xentales you'd commit suicide.
Now that That closed the talk to EJ forum on XenTales and EJ no longer bothers with it, I hope Thad is alright. He hasn't posted in 6 days. Say it's not so!
Re: Funny Thadius, Funny.

Thu Sep 25, 2008 4:52 am
by Sankt Pauli
Im pretty sure the op was/is kaz.
Re: Funny Thadius, Funny.

Fri Sep 26, 2008 6:32 pm
by ascent
actually, as far as i remember (almost 10 years) ej has never supported anything other than himselve, his idea of listening to players is "zomg whats they mean dont do GvE? lets put it in and try it" and "zomg whatsd they mean no durability? lets put it in anyways"
Necromadon=Fing IDIOT
Re: Funny Thadius, Funny.

Sun Sep 28, 2008 11:37 am
by Burnt Ferret
and you tell me not to bash....