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what merchants sell

Thu Jul 26, 2007 7:33 pm
by ziggman
i brought up the idea that merchants should sell better gear. as of now they only sell regular leather/swords/helms
Vitriol dissagrees but i would like to get other peoples opinoins.
im making a town right now with a very large weapon/armor smith, i think a smith shop of this size should beable to make/sell lightning gear. not at first of course. but the merchant should sell reflective gear at minimum. i have never used xenimus sword/armor merchants because you can find the gear they sell off of trolls & imps which u can kill with a strength buff with no gear on.
Of course Mystic / arcane / Spirit gear should be dropped or pulled and be rare+expensive.

Thu Jul 26, 2007 7:47 pm
by JSunJShineR
yes but to a certain extent, I think PV will have more gear than xenimus so, probably possible to have gear up to lvl 10 or so i guess.

Thu Jul 26, 2007 7:56 pm
by Ratiotile
Why not have it so that merchants sell back whatever is sold to them? A merchant inventory system might be worth considering.

Thu Jul 26, 2007 8:08 pm
by JSunJShineR
not a bad idea, i've always hated having auto-click on and not realize there is redo or white pot,etc... in my inven. I doubt it would bt very hard to make either. i like that

Thu Jul 26, 2007 9:07 pm
by ziggman
the thing is if you sell a lighning leather to a merchant you only get like 85s you could just sell to other players for more...
hm well thats not a bad idea.... i sell reflective/dragon gear to merchants pretty often. there would have to be a filter so there are not 20 firestaves to buy and nothing else. this could also provide random gear to noobs at ok prices. you might bealbe to buy a ref plate/dragon helm/ref shild for a decent price
people only sell "common junk" to merchants.... one mans junk is another treasure.
if its is comon enuf to sell to regular mechants you wouldnt have to worry about losing the rare expensive gear.
there should be only one resale merchant in game.

Thu Jul 26, 2007 10:04 pm
by Vitriol
How about a compromise? If 10 or more of an item has been sold to a merchant in the past week, that item is for sale.
So if people sell a buncha fire staffs and swords to merchants, those will end up being available to buy. Certainly reflective gear and the like will appear at merchants after a few weeks.

Thu Jul 26, 2007 10:08 pm
by ziggman
once the are in the merchant, they stay for good then?

Thu Jul 26, 2007 10:17 pm
by Vitriol
no, atleast 10 of that item has to have been sold to that merchant in the last week.

Thu Jul 26, 2007 10:34 pm
by ziggman
maybe u dont understand my question.
and a second thought it should be in one day! 10 items in one day(24hours).
if i sell 10 magic elven plates in one day, the magic elven plate gets dubed "common" and the merchant can sell it 'forever'? or untill Karl or game admin takes it out.

Thu Jul 26, 2007 10:45 pm
by Vitriol
nah. That would take alot of effort to police. If 10 or more of an item is sold to --->A<-- Merchant in a week, then that merchant will sell that item until the number drops below 10.

Thu Jul 26, 2007 10:46 pm
by speed3b
Logically it would only be able to sell 10 of that item, but i guess it could be there for like 3 days or something.

Thu Jul 26, 2007 10:48 pm
by Vitriol
Its an RPG, where does logic come into play?

Thu Jul 26, 2007 11:37 pm
by 9sam1
lol why not just have a cons merch... Its pretty much the same thing except people get good money for what they sell.
and i like the platinum , gold etc. system.

Thu Jul 26, 2007 11:45 pm
by JSunJShineR
We aren't speaking on consignment merchants inwhich players can post up any gear. We are speaking of a beginner's merchant that sells cheap items for lower levels: 1-12 or so. I like the idea of after every week if 10 of a certain item has been sold by another player it is put up for sale at a reasonable price for a few days. This will make newcomers driven more into the game because the worries of finding and/or buying gear at consignment merchant isnt an issue; it is a matter of walking up to the merchant and buying a +1mp f staff to lvl at skelletons with. Otherwise known as insentive to level.

Fri Jul 27, 2007 12:38 am
by ziggman
i dont think it would need much police activity... jus negate the gear that is not going to be in there. like anything mystic + will not be added to this merchant. and only GEAR no redos,maxys,meds,or anything else.
if people are selling 10+ dragon swords a day they should be labeled as a common sword.
and sold by this npc merchant. same with anyother gear.
This is my idea to help the next wave of newbs. (help the game grow) all the 1st players will not beable to buy any gear from this merchant such as reflective armor, fire staves, fire swords, ect., because they will be common gear yet.
this idea would have to monitored for a week or two just to make sure it works properly and no unexpected items are showing up.
im not saying make proped gear avaliable to noobs. it would be blank same as any gear you would buy from an npc.
if there is a consignment merchant That town will be the popular town. and i think you would need a larger number of players for it to be sucessful.
i enjoyed the old GOLD system better.

Fri Jul 27, 2007 12:59 am
by ziggman
*rephrase my idea*
If i sell 10 or more Fire swords to any merchant in 24 hours. that item is labeld in the game as a common item.
Common items are sold by 1 NPC, this npc now sells an unlimited number of blank fire swords.
get it? like it? Thadius/Karl thoughts?
as of right now i have yet to find 10 reflective cloaks in game in one day most i found was 7. so its not like there would be a ton of gear flooding the market. and if we cancel out anything mystic++ that will cap off where rare gear begins.... whos is gunna 10 mystic leathers in 1 day anyway...
if i sell fire sword for 25s(2500g) the noob can buy it for 75s(7500g) 3x mark up...

Fri Jul 27, 2007 1:00 am
by ziggman
*rephrase my idea*
If i sell 10 or more Fire swords to any merchant in 24 hours. that item is labeld in the game as a common item.
Common items are sold by 1 NPC, this npc now sells an unlimited number of blank fire swords.
get it? like it? Thadius/Karl thoughts?
as of right now i have yet to find 10 reflective cloaks in game in one day most i found was 7. so its not like there would be a ton of gear flooding the market. and if we cancel out anything mystic++ that will cap off where rare gear begins.... whos is gunna 10 mystic leathers in 1 day anyway...
if i sell fire sword for 25s(2500g) the noob can buy it for 75s(7500g) 3x mark up...

Fri Jul 27, 2007 9:55 am
by Vitriol
ziggman wrote:*rephrase my idea*
If i sell 10 or more Fire swords to any merchant in 24 hours. that item is labeld in the game as a common item.
Common items are sold by 1 NPC, this npc now sells an unlimited number of blank fire swords.
get it? like it? Thadius/Karl thoughts?
as of right now i have yet to find 10 reflective cloaks in game in one day most i found was 7. so its not like there would be a ton of gear flooding the market. and if we cancel out anything mystic++ that will cap off where rare gear begins.... whos is gunna 10 mystic leathers in 1 day anyway...
if i sell fire sword for 25s(2500g) the noob can buy it for 75s(7500g) 3x mark up...
I hate this idea dude. From then on to eternity newbies will never have to even ask anyone for a fire sword. They can just walk to a merchant and buy one. Really, really bad. Fire swords should NEVER be considered "common"
People would just game this by orchestrating mass sells.

Fri Jul 27, 2007 11:41 am
by ziggman
can you read my whole post before you decide you dont like it? i said there should be a filter/cap that would not allow any mystic gear or any higher level gear to show up in this merchant. it would take months for any reflective to show up and more than a year im guessing before any lightning gear becomes avaliable. it would not be logical to try and abuse this kind of merchant, you would only be losing money. this will also help eliminate most begging noobs.

Fri Jul 27, 2007 3:38 pm
by Vitriol
I cant believe this poo.

Fri Jul 27, 2007 4:06 pm
by Karl G.
Used correctly, this can indeed help to get rid of the frustration low-level players feel when trying to gain items before they are high enough level to fight stronger monsters; however, the way it is implemented must be very conservative. Prices set by my (or anyone else for that matter) are likely to be either too low, so the item becomes worthless, or too high, and--again--worthless (because it's not worth the cost...). How could this system be set up so that the prices could change without someone having to go in and say "fire sword = 10 gold" ?

Fri Jul 27, 2007 10:43 pm
by Ratiotile
Karl G. wrote: How could this system be set up so that the prices could change without someone having to go in and say "fire sword = 10 gold" ?
Calculate the price logically, based on supply and demand. Supply = frequency that item is sold to merchant. Demand = frequency that item is bought. Price = Constant * D / S.
A simpler idea would be to set a base price for every item, then scale that price based on how much of that item is in the merchant's inventory. The gold recieved from selling an item would be based on how many of that item a merchant already has.
if 10 of a certain item has been sold by another player it is put up for sale at a reasonable price for a few days.
Why bother with the 10 item limit? Give the merchant an inventory and each sell transaction will transfer an item from a player to the merchant. This way we would actually have a game economy, not an unlimited quantity of crap items, and items wouldn't vanish when sold. Non-propped items would stack, and the merchant would have several tabs for weapons, armor, and other. Sort the items by level req then cost and I don't see any problem finding what you want.
im not saying make proped gear avaliable to noobs. it would be blank same as any gear you would buy from an npc.
What is wrong with making propped gear available to newbies? The merchant will rightfully charge a premium for any props on an item, and there would be a smaller supply of them because they aren't found as frequently.
i dont think it would need much police activity... jus negate the gear that is not going to be in there. like anything mystic + will not be added to this merchant. and only GEAR no redos,maxys,meds,or anything else.
You should be able to sell mystic to the merchant. Why would that cause a problem? At least this way if you accidently sell something good you can buy it back.[/quote]

Sat Jul 28, 2007 1:01 am
by ziggman
i still like my idea of ... if any one person sells 10 of one item in a 24 hour period of time that item becomes common. and common items will be sold at a merchant. any rare noob gear(spectral gloves) (super items), any mystic or higher level is exempt and cannot become common.
it should be 20 times the sell value. of course all items would be BLANK.
if you sold a dragon helm for 50s (5,000g) it would cost the noobs 10g (100,000g)
If you sold a magic buckler for 10s (1,000g) it would cost the noob. 2g (20,000g)
if you sold a lightning leather for 80s (8,000g) it would cost the noob 16g (160,000g)
(not a super cheap price but not outrageous expensive)
it wouldnt make sense for people to abuse this type of thing. if somone did manage to get lightning leather in a regular merchant early in the game they would be destroying the value of thier leather. because anyone could now buy one. not to mention they would have to sell 10 of them in one day.
the reason why i would suggest not selling proped items from this merchant is because the proped items should be sold between players. making merchants have a memory like that might take up a bit of server space. the merchant would have thousands upon thousands of items after 1 month of playing.

Sat Jul 28, 2007 10:20 am
by Ratiotile
ziggman wrote:i still like my idea of ... if any one person sells 10 of one item in a 24 hour period of time that item becomes common. and common items will be sold at a merchant. any rare noob gear(spectral gloves) (super items), any mystic or higher level is exempt and cannot become common.
Can you further explain the advantages of your idea? It seems that all it does is prevent the merchant from selling any good items. I don't think the merchants should keep selling crap gear, existing only so that players can sell to them.
ziggman wrote: the reason why i would suggest not selling proped items from this merchant is because the proped items should be sold between players. making merchants have a memory like that might take up a bit of server space. the merchant would have thousands upon thousands of items after 1 month of playing.
A merchant with 100,000 fire staves will use the same amount of memory as a merchant with 1 fire staff - about 8 bytes. Although the inventory might be capped at a number such as 255 of any item, meaning that if more than 255 fire staves are sold to a merchant, he will only hold 255 of them.

Sat Jul 28, 2007 12:18 pm
by ziggman
my idea is not to offer any good/rare gear, just regular gear that people might actually buy. the weapon merchants in xenimus now only sell level 1 gear, after level 3 they become useless.