game progress slowing down?

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game progress slowing down?

Postby marzuku » Sun May 03, 2009 7:52 am

Well a while ago the game was fun to play some new things to find etc and mobs to hunt but now it has come to an halt, nothing else you can throw at us that we can explore/test?
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Re: game progress slowing down?

Postby sourceofprovidence » Sun May 03, 2009 10:33 am

I agree I havent logged on in almost 2 weeks, because there is nothing for me to do, and besides over half my gear still being gone from the deletes back before the update I havent seen joe, or karl on.... What gives, I like the beam look and all, but theres nothing to do when no ones on to pvp
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Re: game progress slowing down?

Postby Karl G. » Sun May 03, 2009 2:41 pm

Yes, I agree. We're working on it! Unfortunately, this isn't a quick process and we're slogging through exam period. We're not going anywhere, I promise!
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Re: game progress slowing down?

Postby Joe M. » Mon May 04, 2009 12:33 pm

things have slowed down recently thanks to the last couple weeks of classes and exams, but will be speeding up by a *lot* starting next week.

there will be an item update soon (I believe it will be next week), and after that you'll be seeing a lot of new features spring up quickly, and although a serious content expansion may wait until Beta, that won't be long coming (sometime in June) and we'll try to regularly add at least a little content in the meantime.

Sourceofprovidence, my last serious exam is Thursday morning. After that I should be on for a little bit every day, usually in the evenings (Central time). I'll make a point to be online for several hours (at least standing around on Sq) this Thursday evening so that I can restore your gear. Sorry it's taken this long--in the future if there are problems that remain unaddressed feel free to send me a PM and I'll make sure to make time.
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Re: game progress slowing down?

Postby sourceofprovidence » Tue May 05, 2009 10:25 pm

Sounds good, Until more game items / content i'll be on the back burner of playing, but I can't wait for the next release.
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