Gear Rarity

Pretty early in xen, spirit gear had no graphics etc, and it was the best of the best poo. Soon after came Om gear, and a heap of new weapons, etc.
One of the things I remember was that armor types had a pretty smooth transition value-wise going all the way up to mystic. Then something horrible happened. Even though spirit armors weren't all too rare, getting from mystic to spirit was near impossible. Not only because of the huge value discrepancy, but also because those who had SP armor didn't want to trade it down for a screen full of mystic poo. Because of this, and the addition of ominex, dirus and diabolic armors, I think the gaps in gear rarity should be reworked so that the gap between mystic and spirit isn't so enormous. Basically, I think ominex should be the new spirit armor, and dirus/diabolic would be for the really rich/lucky. Mystic should also be raised in value, as it is currently as worthless as any other piece of armor out there, be it elemental or ref plate.
If I'm using the VT system for values, I think it should be something like this:
Elemental Armors - 1 VT
Mystic Armors - 4 VTs
Spirit Armors - 12 VTs
Ominex Armors - 48 VTs
Dirus/Diab Armors- 100+ VTs
try not to think of those VT values in todays market. It's basically to show that 3-4 mystic armors could get you an SP armor, which wouldn't happen EVER in todays market. And 3-4 Sp armors would get you an Om leather, which would never happen today. Also, adding a couple mystic armors for a trade for Om leather wouldn't be joke filler, it would hold some value. When the gaps between each armor piece are proportional, finding a good drop rate probably wouldn't be too difficult.
One of the things I remember was that armor types had a pretty smooth transition value-wise going all the way up to mystic. Then something horrible happened. Even though spirit armors weren't all too rare, getting from mystic to spirit was near impossible. Not only because of the huge value discrepancy, but also because those who had SP armor didn't want to trade it down for a screen full of mystic poo. Because of this, and the addition of ominex, dirus and diabolic armors, I think the gaps in gear rarity should be reworked so that the gap between mystic and spirit isn't so enormous. Basically, I think ominex should be the new spirit armor, and dirus/diabolic would be for the really rich/lucky. Mystic should also be raised in value, as it is currently as worthless as any other piece of armor out there, be it elemental or ref plate.
If I'm using the VT system for values, I think it should be something like this:
Elemental Armors - 1 VT
Mystic Armors - 4 VTs
Spirit Armors - 12 VTs
Ominex Armors - 48 VTs
Dirus/Diab Armors- 100+ VTs
try not to think of those VT values in todays market. It's basically to show that 3-4 mystic armors could get you an SP armor, which wouldn't happen EVER in todays market. And 3-4 Sp armors would get you an Om leather, which would never happen today. Also, adding a couple mystic armors for a trade for Om leather wouldn't be joke filler, it would hold some value. When the gaps between each armor piece are proportional, finding a good drop rate probably wouldn't be too difficult.