My thoughts on music.

Music communicates things that visual stimuli cannot. So It is essential to have well thought out melodies that complement details in an area to complete the feeling you want to create for a specific area.
The greatest example that I can point out to where this is executed beatifully (not because I am an avid fan) is in a couple zelda titles.. Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask.
I think that each dungeon/temple/shrine should have a different tune for how it is put together. I think if you really want to create music that complements where it will be heard.. I think it would be a good idea for someone to listen to Koji Kondo's (the composer responsible for background melodies in the zelda titles) work and use it as a reference.
If you don't have access to any of the songs used in those games.. you can go here "" this site is home to reorchestrated versions of songs found in the Zelda games.
The greatest example that I can point out to where this is executed beatifully (not because I am an avid fan) is in a couple zelda titles.. Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask.
I think that each dungeon/temple/shrine should have a different tune for how it is put together. I think if you really want to create music that complements where it will be heard.. I think it would be a good idea for someone to listen to Koji Kondo's (the composer responsible for background melodies in the zelda titles) work and use it as a reference.
If you don't have access to any of the songs used in those games.. you can go here "" this site is home to reorchestrated versions of songs found in the Zelda games.