I think I figured out what's causing items to disappear!

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I think I figured out what's causing items to disappear!

Postby Karl G. » Mon Apr 20, 2009 7:47 am

Every item has a unique ID #. Each ID# can only belong to one person at a time, and you can only save items to the database if you are the owner of that ID #. I think ID #s are being reused every once in a while, which would explain the random disappearances! For example, you have an aurelian platemail with ID# 5555. If the server generates a club with ID # 5555 and someone picks it up then drops it, the person who picked up the club will take away your ownership of ID # 5555, then will erase that ID entirely (nobody owns it). As a result, when you log off + on, your platemail won't be saved.

That's probably more detail than necessary, but the jist is that I'm pretty sure I can kill this bug once I get my computer back.
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Re: I think I figured out what's causing items to disappear!

Postby Joe M. » Mon Apr 20, 2009 10:07 am

Hahaha. What little remains within me of a coder, deep under all these damned languages, appreciates this error. :D

And I just love the image of, say, a Spirit Dragon Axe getting replaced by a leather belt. :P
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Re: I think I figured out what's causing items to disappear!

Postby Sex4Cash » Mon Apr 20, 2009 10:21 am

To confirm this. Last night I logged on for a moment, discovered more stuff was gone off of me....BUT I found 3 clubs in my storage where previously there had been items!
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