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Re: Pre-Pre-Beta Bug Thread

Sat Sep 05, 2009 1:49 pm
by ven
Oh maybe that's why we can't find the secret places because transing while falling hasn't been working in a long time. I just thought it was something we couldn't do in this game and was meant for nimbus. I wasn't thinking very clearly or I would have posted a long time ago, since this game is going to better than Xenimus(almost there in beta lmao) of course it's meant to work lol.
Re: Pre-Pre-Beta Bug Thread

Sat Sep 05, 2009 10:19 pm
by Karl G.
The trans bug has been fixed, and I've added a lot of new stuff to the game.
I am releasing an update in the next hour or so.
Re: Pre-Pre-Beta Bug Thread

Sun Sep 06, 2009 11:46 am
by strafe of x2
Re: Pre-Pre-Beta Bug Thread

Sun Sep 06, 2009 12:32 pm
by strafe of x2
looks alot better right now. things that have issues
the crystals are now nearly impossible to take.
bows arent shooting they are getting used like an axe
and the green shortcut to the blue crystal is broke
Re: Pre-Pre-Beta Bug Thread

Sun Sep 06, 2009 1:06 pm
by strafe of x2
also once u take a geosid the guard stops attking you but all the monsters that hurt like poo that are around it still casting the spells so u can life through it
Re: Pre-Pre-Beta Bug Thread

Sun Sep 06, 2009 3:10 pm
by ven
1. Shard Guards don't fend off monsters.
2. The monsters called "Spirits" do way too much damage with their beams. You can't live through 2 of them.
3. The monsters that do the burn spell should have their casting speed lowered.. if theirs more than 2 they can be very deadly.
4. Mage classes have a tough time living in this new update.
5. Bows on hunters don't do damage or little to none with their multi.
Re: Pre-Pre-Beta Bug Thread

Sun Sep 06, 2009 3:34 pm
by strafe of x2
yeah the spirits can 1 beam me or ven on any of our chars and in the blue crystal path area all the casters in there can kill u before u can defend urself
Re: Pre-Pre-Beta Bug Thread

Sun Sep 06, 2009 5:46 pm
by ven
lol joes on maybe he can get something going lol
Re: Pre-Pre-Beta Bug Thread

Sun Sep 06, 2009 7:20 pm
by ven
Must bring this to attention once again.. ALL spell casting monsters are way over-powered. You pretty much can't explore anything now. I did see a new area.. keyword "see" you die in coming range of it because of Spirits and Malorman Spirits.
Update on Shards: You can take a shard up to 24% bonus and once you try to take it once more your guild doesn't own it anymore and you have to log off and take it again to own it. If you stay at 24% bonus and take another shard you can get that other shard to 9% and then anymore than that and you lose that shard and have to repeat what I said earlier. Upon logging off and logging back on any shards you have built up to 24% or lower will revert back to 4%.
Re: Pre-Pre-Beta Bug Thread

Mon Sep 07, 2009 6:01 am
by Karl G.
Right, some quick responses:
Malmoran Spirits (and the spirits nearby) are overpowered because that area is marked level 20-25 =)
I agree the monsters that burn are a bit tough. I was just happy they worked at all =p
Hunter bows still need to be balanced.
Shards: you're only supposed to be able to take a geosid *one* time, not multiple times! That's why there are several of them...thanks for the heads-up.
Re: Pre-Pre-Beta Bug Thread

Mon Sep 07, 2009 10:06 am
by ven
lmao about the shards.. makes sense because you said there would be more later on. Yea I was just getting a little frustrated last time I played because the game play was really tough because of the casting monsters. That's cool there's a level 25 section even though the cap is 15... anytime it'll be lifted for that area?

Re: Pre-Pre-Beta Bug Thread

Mon Sep 07, 2009 12:47 pm
by strafe of x2
ok so did he let you guys know how it was letting you take the geosid repetitively? and yeah they need a little work.
another thing is that once u get lvl 15 and ur preanlty exp just keeps getting higher and higher because there is nothing you can do to make it go down
also i found a longbow but it doesnt seen to be implemented as a bow yet
Re: Pre-Pre-Beta Bug Thread

Mon Sep 07, 2009 2:49 pm
by ven
Yea i was thinking about the exp penalty as well because if he raises the level cap we'd have a lot of work to do to get back to normal exp lol.
Re: Pre-Pre-Beta Bug Thread

Mon Sep 07, 2009 5:16 pm
by strafe of x2
lol i think my sorc is like -250k
Re: Pre-Pre-Beta Bug Thread

Mon Sep 07, 2009 5:17 pm
by ven
lol yea mines -200k and my warrior is like -50k
Re: Pre-Pre-Beta Bug Thread

Mon Sep 07, 2009 8:16 pm
by strafe of x2
next problem. dont know if this was intended or not but sometimes when u die one or more of ur items will jsut disappear? idk where it goes but it does happen. and i just lost a ton of poo at that new area. should took a screen lol on shot from them put me at -70hp from like 350
Re: Pre-Pre-Beta Bug Thread

Tue Sep 08, 2009 12:23 am
by ven
lol idk whhat you said but yup ...also im pretty wasted
Re: Pre-Pre-Beta Bug Thread

Tue Sep 08, 2009 3:04 am
by marzuku
if you remember from XEN karl adepts etc would not always beam you they would actually beam you once or twice then start flamma or hit you, i suggest the burning monsters apear less frequently and have a limit to how many times they can cast the spell, this way its up to chance wether you die of one.
suggesting this because a instant spell always has to be balanced, and that because if you start of with hardcore monsters and always have to top them we will have insanely crazy monsters on our tails to fast.
Re: Pre-Pre-Beta Bug Thread

Wed Sep 09, 2009 8:07 pm
by ven
I don't know if it's because it's like a "minor" spell at the moment.. but the beam spell should do more damage than the multi spells since it's a concentrated spell.
Re: Pre-Pre-Beta Bug Thread

Tue Sep 15, 2009 5:01 pm
by ven
Well i don't know if these are declared yet or not...
1. Port Shards work now.. but all of them send you to the Blue Shard.
2. Bottom left Nexus Shard(Port shard) will do have you do a spin attack on right click.
3. Bottom right Nexus Shard will let you trans around in the circle on right click.. nothing too special.(top shard works good)
4. The green/yellow particle transers don't work anymore.
5. Beaming and transing around isn't very smooth.