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An idea for the world structure.

Tue Jul 17, 2007 1:45 pm
by Vitriol
Right now what we have the players spawning into is essentially a round island with 3 villages, a road, and a forest. I think this is a good idea. New players should spawn on the "newbie island" where they learn how to play and get their first few levels. I was thinking that after a player gets level 5 he would get to travel though a harder dungeon with skeletons and maybe a volucris as the boss and the end would take him to the main big world that we have yet to craft. This is essentially a rip off from the first lineage: the blood pledge game. Gimmie some feedback.

Tue Jul 17, 2007 1:48 pm
by thadiusofx3
great idea!
The dungeon could sorta be like the great hall with waves of progressively harder enemies so you would possibly have to group up to complete it, and a final harder boss. (nice touch with the volucris there)
At the end could be a port mark or a static portal(I like the idea of this) to the main world.

Tue Jul 17, 2007 2:09 pm
by Vitriol
yeah, i was thinking at the end of the dungeon would be a portal that just never closes. (I am not a fan of port "squares")
The mini-great hall idea is great. You could start with some aggressive giant bugs, then imps (if we keep those), the rogues, then trolls, some barbarians and thieves, followed by some skeletons, and then a volucris.

Tue Jul 17, 2007 2:10 pm
by Vitriol
The great thing is that in the main, big map we wouldnt need to place newbie enemies. You could have rogues/trolls as the weakest enemies kinda uniformly spread around the map, without worrying about giant bug/imp spawns.

Tue Jul 17, 2007 4:29 pm
by 9sam1
i wouldnt like this at all.

Tue Jul 17, 2007 4:45 pm
by thadiusofx3
What's your reasoning behind that?

Tue Jul 17, 2007 6:50 pm
by speed3b
Great idea. I like the idea of having to group together to make it though too. And if you dont meet the level requirement, it wont let you in the dungeon or even out of the world. Which also kind of leads on to another thing. Would you beable to return to this other world in the future? Part of me says yes, and part of me says no. I wouldnt want people going there and pking newbs all the time.

Tue Jul 17, 2007 6:50 pm
by a_link_to_the_past
Hmm.. reminds me of runescape to a degree (yes I have played runescape... when you are bored you will play anything) The newb Island I think is a good idea... instead of being thrown into the land knowing absolutely nothing and walking off into the woods and getting bum raped by some random troll...

Tue Jul 17, 2007 6:52 pm
by Karl G.
I think a noob island is a wonderful idea; and no, it shouldn't be accessible to higher levels.

Tue Jul 17, 2007 7:13 pm
by Ratiotile
It's a great idea for newbies, however once you have played a high level and want to make new characters it would be tedious to go through the newbie dungeon every time, wouldn't it? The noob dungeon reminds me of Fallout 2, where new character had to finish a dungeon before going to the real world. I must have created 10 new characters and that was my least favorite part of the game. Make it optional?

Tue Jul 17, 2007 7:32 pm
by a_link_to_the_past
hmmm that is a very good point... perhaps you could have a basic game intro... like where a guard of some sort speaks to you... teaches you about how things work in the world... gives you a little area to fight bugs and imps to give you a first hand experience of how it works... and then gives you an option to "would you like to stay and train, or would you like to continue to the mainland" It would give those people new to the game the opportunity to learn about it and give those firmilar to it a way out... you could decline the intro speech just the same as the bug task in xenimus now..

Tue Jul 17, 2007 7:56 pm
by 9sam1
thadiusofx3 wrote:What's your reasoning behind that?
I wanna be able to make a noob, and go straight to interacting with high lvls, weather it be to transfer or jsut meet a friend. I dont wanna be forced to lvl to 5 on some noob island every time i make a noob.

Tue Jul 17, 2007 8:05 pm
by thadiusofx3
ok how about a checkbox when you create a character to spawn on the newbie island or directly to the main continent
not everyone wants to interact with the high levels right off the bat

Tue Jul 17, 2007 8:12 pm
by thadiusofx3
Actually what about if you have a character over level 5 you can skip the newbie continent.

Tue Jul 17, 2007 11:24 pm
by ziggman
this is something that could work GREAT with new subclassing!!
when noobs reach level 10 or so, they have to compelete an initiation quest to lock in thier finnal class. (kill the volucris & go into port)at the end they would have to decide what class they become. then they would get ported to thier new 'home' town based on what class they chose.
these class towns should be very small but should have Many quests specialized for your class/level.
fighter town
Holy town
wizard town
warlock town
Thief town
of course you would have one major city. every 'class town' should have a port merchant that ports to the central main town.
*on a different note i think thieves and rangers should be 2 different classes. thieves should be able to duel wield with 2 daggers or 2 short swords , or one short sword one regular sword. and rangers should primairly use bows.

Wed Jul 18, 2007 1:13 pm
by Vitriol
thadiusofx3 wrote:Actually what about if you have a character over level 5 you can skip the newbie continent.
The idea is to provide a smooth introduction for people new to the game, so that idea is fine.

Mon Jul 23, 2007 12:44 am
by JSunJShineR
Hey guys, you know that waterfall looking thing in evil-side Solus castle where the mystic merch is? the purple thing. Why not have Main portals to different towns or where ever look like this? a sold port that doesnt go away. and certain places require a lvl. also a sign that you can right click next to the portal teeling where it is to so we know where to go. and temporary ports will be a simpler version of this.

Wed Jul 25, 2007 4:03 am
by Richard. UK
Personally i do not liek the idea for a "class town" as the game will not be hosting masses of people to begin with, therfore if people join and go to a "class town" this limits the amount of actual players that play the game they will see, untill they reach levels high enuf to go to main towns.
I really like the idea of a Newbie get to know our game island. and when you leave you are transported to a town like Aridus, i think the game should be based around Aridus in the outside world just because it is the most xenimus related town that everyone knows and enjoys or did.
thats only my thoughts tho

Wed Jul 25, 2007 6:31 am
by Karl G.
I thought we agreed there would be only 1 town at the start...

Wed Jul 25, 2007 8:53 am
by thadiusofx3
remember we had that small continent that was in the upper right hand corner and i divided it up into sections with 3 town?

Wed Jul 25, 2007 10:59 pm
by Vitriol
thadiusofx3 wrote:remember we had that small continent that was in the upper right hand corner and i divided it up into sections with 3 town?
I remember this, but we might as well just have one small newbie town and wilderness, a graveyard, a cave or 2 surrounding it. With the exit temple located far away from the town.
It doesnt really matter, but I do prefer the idea of concentrating the playerbase in one popular town. It used to be semel, then it was terthius for a while, then eventually everyone just hung out in aridus, which is what people still do.

Thu Jul 26, 2007 1:59 am
by ziggman
i think people chose airdus because free ports to 2 other towns, and its very open for pvp.
i would be good with one small newbie island with a town for now, im so bored since i quit xen, no other game feeds my addiction... yet.

Thu Jul 26, 2007 5:16 am
by Vitriol
ziggman wrote:i think people chose airdus because free ports to 2 other towns, and its very open for pvp.
i would be good with one small newbie island with a town for now, im so bored since i quit xen, no other game feeds my addiction... yet.
And I dont think we will be bringing that back. It was always a dumb idea. Players should be hanging out at the capital, the most important city.
The way to do this is to provide merchants which sell items you cant get in other towns. that way one city will become the default city. but we are quite far from this, as for now players will be spawning on the newbie island, with no way off lol.

Wed Aug 08, 2007 9:43 pm
by Volcomboy99
i liked the idea for a newbie island but i started thinking
the newbie island will only popular when the game first releases and everyone is just starting to play, after everyone has there high lvls they will just skip the newbie island if they have a choice
the brand new players would be alone alote and they might think that the game is empty and boring and leave before knowing about all of the people in the other world
and if they are alone they would not be able to complete the dungeon and make it into the next world

Thu Aug 09, 2007 11:11 am
by 9sam1
Vitriol wrote:ziggman wrote:i think people chose airdus because free ports to 2 other towns, and its very open for pvp.
i would be good with one small newbie island with a town for now, im so bored since i quit xen, no other game feeds my addiction... yet.
And I dont think we will be bringing that back. It was always a dumb idea. Players should be hanging out at the capital, the most important city.
The way to do this is to provide merchants which sell items you cant get in other towns. that way one city will become the default city. but we are quite far from this, as for now players will be spawning on the newbie island, with no way off lol.
why does vitriol always speak like he is the creator of this game.
and btw if theres a noob island like that, i will stop supporting this game 100%