No gear?

Sun Apr 19, 2009 6:51 pm
by sourceofprovidence
I logged on today finally and lost EVERYTHING ! god damn you hellsbane I blame you haha.
Wand of Starlight (traded my dragon axe to hells for this item)
Divie Aegis
Argent belt (I think)
Helm of Spite
That gold plate Arielan or something
Arelian Gloves
6 Bejeweled Rings
This is just anoying I also lost a level worth of exp, when did the servers crash?
Re: No gear?

Sun Apr 19, 2009 11:03 pm
by Sex4Cash
Sry, I'll try to stop crashing the server.

Re: No gear?

Mon Apr 20, 2009 7:33 am
by Karl G.
You guys are just too awesome for the amount of hardware I've bought atm. My poor server

Seriously though...I'm going to be fixing this stuff as SOON as I can. I won't do anything else until it's fixed.
Re: No gear?

Mon Apr 20, 2009 10:23 am
by Sex4Cash
How much would be needed to say - upgrade the server? If that would make a difference.
Re: No gear?

Mon Apr 20, 2009 1:04 pm
by Karl G.
It's about $60-$70/month to get a single-core dedicated server. Performance should be pretty good, it's just a pretty big pricetag in the short term

Re: No gear?

Mon Apr 20, 2009 8:40 pm
by sourceofprovidence
I'd pay 5 bucks a month to play, if that would help the progress of this game. 5 dollars is nothing to submit. If we had 10 players with 5 bucks a month the server would almost pay for itself. I think that joe would pitch in, you, me, sex4cash.... we only really need 6 more people. If we wanted to pay 10 bucks a month we should get some cool perk, not like godlyness or anything, but a badass spell or something. poo it'd be worth it alone for that.