1.10 bugs / stuff that needs changing

New Bugs/Issues
Bugs carried over from 1.9
Stuff that needs changing/adding
Old bugs currently in testing/need testing
- Delete character does not work.
- Settings is just a placeholder (obviously not a bug but noted so people don't comment on it).
- The dynamic lighting doesn't effect animated models.
- Something makes text disappear in main window.
- Day/Night cycle too quick (should be hourly or bi-hourly) and the transition between night and day has a sudden jump to maximum brightness. It also appears to be client side so everyones is different (not so much a bug but if the time of day in game was going to relate to game play it would be a problem [think opening shrines at midnight on Xen]).
- Every time you open the chat box without typing anything it moves the text up a line.
- Once you select a character all the text boxes go blank (this only happens on ONE of my accounts and not the others, it doesn't matter which character I choose from that account they all cause it). If you exit to the account log in screen nothing in functional and there is no text on the screen. Other people have had this happen with different criteria.
- Giants have increased in size causing the gear on them to not display properly, helms and shields are off center.
- Changing the view to top down causes all character models to disappear, light source is also off center.
- If a menu screen is left open is already open, and you press enter to open up the chat log it over lays the chat log on top of the open menu screen. When you press enter to bring up the chat log, all other on screen menus should close (at least while we have the HUD as it is now).
- Aspect ratio not correct for widescreen play. It looks fine i think until i log in to the character. But after i log in i can definatly tell that the resolution is not working properly. I have it set to 1280x800 and fullscreen. But it looks like its just stretching 800x600.
- Base run speed for a newb is too slow.
Bugs carried over from 1.9
- Mobs STILL spawn inside mountains/water.
- When picking up items, placement into inventory seems to be random unless your inventory is cached on the server after logging out/a set period of time. ***Fixed but yet to be implemented.***
- Inventory scroll bar does not reset to the top after you close and reopen the inventory window (the actual inventory does however).
- When equipping items, inventory resets its self back to the top.
- /respawn can respawn you off the safety square.
- Player names/chat can be seen through in game screens.
Stuff that needs changing/adding
- MP regen could be increased slightly more while there are no consumables in game.
- Global chat should always be visible.
- Hitting enter to send a message should not close the chat log at the same time.
- Scroll wheel should scroll through inventory.
- Updater should tell the user they have the most up to date client if this is true.
Old bugs currently in testing/need testing
- Dead bodies sometimes slide across the map.
- Mace has no stats heh.