Alpha memorial post(pictures, tales)

Just want us to remember how it used to be before beta and all, and all the fun we had talking "crowding" the square etc
Feel free to post pictures from the game and every reply must have a picture added!
Square squatting with Karl joe and a newbie

The first offical Pk done by Maximus Macigos IV

Jim the enchanter died by my hands

High lvl fight in the swamp ended with the defeat and death of deathstalker

High lvl Pose-battle Karl, Carnage, Deathstalker

Feel free to post pictures from the game and every reply must have a picture added!

Square squatting with Karl joe and a newbie
The first offical Pk done by Maximus Macigos IV

Jim the enchanter died by my hands

High lvl fight in the swamp ended with the defeat and death of deathstalker

High lvl Pose-battle Karl, Carnage, Deathstalker