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Karl there is a Stats calculation bug,

PostPosted: Tue May 12, 2009 5:41 pm
by Richard. UK
I only just noticed an old old character of mine had reset stats, but I noticed that there had to be the usual stats added to equate to 25 before the next one could be added.

However, I don't know if you are aware that the 25th addition can actually be added to any stat increasing it over 18 instead of it being told that it needs to be put onto something to make it 11.

For example initial creation screen:

for example after reset:

You might need to reset stats to make it a bit fairer along the way :P, just so that you know!

Sorry if this is a noted bug! :D :P

Re: Karl there is a Stats calculation bug,

PostPosted: Wed May 13, 2009 11:04 am
by Joe M.
It's a known behaviour. We're going to be fixing the way re-assigning stats works in any case, since we're probably going to have to do this in the future. There will be another stat reset at least once before Beta.