How to handle character models with armor.

For the development of PV's 3D art

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How to handle character models with armor.

Postby Serenity » Sat Dec 13, 2008 2:06 pm

I would think that modeling armor onto characters would be the best way to do this. That way, you can just change the entire model and you don't have to worry about coding where armor is placed and the like. This would allow for a much nicer appearance to the armor, but it would require a lot more modeling work.

I could be completely wrong how everything is handled as it is, so I just wanted to get this idea out there before things get too far in.
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Re: How to handle character models with armor.

Postby Karl G. » Sat Dec 13, 2008 6:27 pm

Hey Serenity,

This is exactly how I planned on doing armored character models. The big issue is exactly what you mentioned--it's a lot of work :P That's why this hasn't happened yet.

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