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Gold in PV

Thu Jul 26, 2007 6:31 pm
by JSunJShineR
Okay so we all know how gold was set up before in earlier xen. ######Gold, and now it is ###P, ##G, ##S, ##C. Either way we have it(i prefer old Gold) I think you should be able to not only store gear but gold also. Plus make all storages Linked between characters. But make storages more complex, heres a look of what I mean:
Rings(RCV,Turei, etc..)
Usable Items(red pot, hit ammy, etc...)
Special Items(for proping for rare items)
Each spot has a capacity of X # of slots. For gold Amount of gold able to put in storage will be determined by Level. This will discourage gold dupage on newbies so they wont get banned, because if they die they will drop the gold and oviousl get caught. It is not ment for that reason specificly its just another "pro" for using a system like this. Also you can buy storage space but to a certain extent.
I think there should be commas in the gold because back in the day my gold would be like 1789236 or something i want it to be 1,789,236. Just a little thing im sure people would like if using the old system.
Tell what you think abuot this: what are the pros/cons of this idea?

Thu Jul 26, 2007 7:13 pm
by Ratiotile
Gold storage just like the old days, and make players drop gold they carry on death.

Thu Jul 26, 2007 10:07 pm
by Vitriol
Ratiotile wrote:Gold storage just like the old days, and make players drop gold they carry on death.
Players in xenimus have NEVER dropped gold on death. EVER.

Thu Jul 26, 2007 11:36 pm
by JSunJShineR
Vitriol wrote:Ratiotile wrote:Gold storage just like the old days, and make players drop gold they carry on death.
Players in xenimus have NEVER dropped gold on death. EVER.
this is true

Thu Jul 26, 2007 11:38 pm
by Vitriol
And I should add I dont think that should change. Maybe a thief's pickpocket skill can allow you to steal an amount of gold (say your level times your agility) but thats it.

Thu Jul 26, 2007 11:46 pm
by JSunJShineR
How about the whole idea of an advanced storage system with specific areas for gear, items, etc...?

Fri Jul 27, 2007 1:16 am
by ziggman
i dont think the storage area needs any updating works fine the way it is... on xen anyway. i like the pickpocket idea. it should be a small amout of gold just a fun thing.
steal like 1s (100g) something like that. but if you fail u lose 10 hp or something...
if you add skills you can steal a max of 1g (10,000g) but risk taking 1,000 dmg if u fail..?and immediately enter pvp mode where the pick pocket (thief) has hit 1st.
you can add points to how much you take or how skill full (will reduce the chance u take damage if you fail) you take it.

Fri Jul 27, 2007 9:59 am
by Vitriol
JSunJShineR wrote:How about the whole idea of an advanced storage system with specific areas for gear, items, etc...?
The advantages seem more aesthetic than practical, but it makes no difference to the gameplay either way. The only thing I am concerned with at Project Volucris is making sure the game stays hard, and not easy.

Fri Jul 27, 2007 11:04 am
by JSunJShineR
So do you just come onto PV Forum to down everyone's ideas because they all do not make PV harder? How about what the public wants/needs. Your so worried about the 5 hardcore gamers that will be playing this, what about everyone else? There are people who have lives that will only play this 1 or 2hrs a day. We should focus on what will make the game better, not what will make it harder...

Fri Jul 27, 2007 11:16 am
by thadiusofx3
he didn't say the idea was bad, he said it didn't matter either way because it wouldn't change the gameplay
what we're striving for is this:
1. Make PV like xenimus used to be
2. Improve on the game
So we need to get the basic stuff in first before we start messing with aesthetics.

Fri Jul 27, 2007 11:19 am
by JSunJShineR
its not just this post, its every idea anyone has that sint like : no redos/nobags/no prop/1exp per kill/ respawn every 232io3678548923 minutes..... if we ARE focused on basics we would be so worried about getting a beta running with stuff everyone wants. then once game is established a hardcore server for the 5 people who want it.

Fri Jul 27, 2007 3:40 pm
by Vitriol
JSunJShineR wrote: There are people who have lives that will only play this 1 or 2hrs a day. We should focus on what will make the game better, not what will make it harder...
#### that.

Fri Jul 27, 2007 10:52 pm
by Ratiotile
Vitriol wrote:Ratiotile wrote:Gold storage just like the old days, and make players drop gold they carry on death.
Players in xenimus have NEVER dropped gold on death. EVER.
Yes, but I thought there used to be gold storage. If players dropped gold on death, there'd be a point to putting gold in the bank.
And I should add I dont think that should change. Maybe a thief's pickpocket skill can allow you to steal an amount of gold (say your level times your agility) but thats it.
ANY guaranteed steal is a bad thing. Pickpocket needs to have a CHANCE to succeed, and skill in pickpocket will increase that chance, but NEVER to 100%, and consecutive steals from the same person should increase the rate of failure. If pickpocket fails, the victim is alerted and cannot be stolen from again until a timer expires.
If someone loses his internet connection in town he shouldn't log in 5 minutes later to find all his gold gone.

Sat Jul 28, 2007 11:07 am
by Vitriol
of course you are right, I didnt imply any system like that. It was just an idea. Yeah, a stat check must be involved, with a chance of hard/soft failure/sucess. And if its a hard failure or soft success then the player is notified of the attempt/theft. The victim can then kill that player without consequence. Thats how my full idea went.
Re: Gold in PV

Sat Apr 26, 2008 8:39 am
by Simpo
say no to dropping all gold on death.
Re: Gold in PV

Sun May 04, 2008 6:08 pm
by Paz the Spaz
If we have no gold dropping, we could have a pick-pocket-like skill that allows you to take gold from dead people's bodies, but then you'd have to be quick or they would respawn and disapear. But I like the idea of dropping a little gold, anywhere from 1-10%.
Re: Gold in PV

Mon May 05, 2008 2:57 am
by Simpo
i dont like tha idea somehow, somewhere i see a downfall to it.
Re: Gold in PV

Tue Oct 28, 2008 5:00 pm
by Merlin
Dropping of gold is a very good idea I give it my VOTE.
Re: Gold in PV

Mon Dec 15, 2008 9:14 am
by Rabit561
or make it a 50-50% chance to either Drop a random item your wearing or all of your gold.. If we're still going for the puting gold in bank, but if we're not going for the bank thing, then just like 10% or something.
IDK.. Since you don't drop ALL of your items when you die, maybe we should'nt drop all our gold

Re: Gold in PV

Wed Jan 28, 2009 4:01 pm
by verbal2k5
back in the day we didn't drop gold but there were no bags either. when you died you dropped 100% of your gear