The armors however which are "finnished" have to much of the good thing, by this i mean, a lightning armor doesnt really have to be entirely blue, you could mix up the colors and textures.
My mates tried out the game and they primary reacted to fiery rainments being a chunk of fire on your shoulder, and that the armors werent completed.
suggestion for what it could look like:

The holy armor is yellow, to be honest you could easily fix the texture of that armor if you were to make it silver & yellow, so it seemed more knightly.
Suggestion to what it could look like:
Lightning armor is totally blue and its a leather, so to be honest it should look "leathery", if you remember xens L armor it had only 1 lightning in the middle and some blue but was mostly brown leather.
these are ideas to make the armors look less onesided which comes of as amature work, with different textures which outlines the armors it will look alot more pro.
and just so nobody gets the "wrong idea", im sorry for being a jerk if you think i am one, but nobody really expects these armors to be completly "finnished"