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Game Difficulty

Thu Dec 21, 2006 9:51 pm
by Vitriol
I think one of the defining characteristics of old Xenimus was
old Xen was DANGEROUS
nothing saved your gear or XP.
That made xen very tight nuckle and difficult
Volucris should be a FUCKING HARD game.
the idea of people burning mederi wands as they hunt is pretty wrong to me. People should be deathly afraid to hunt anywhere where they might POSSIBLY be killed.
Level 14 should be considered high level. (as in, the game is THAT hard)
I mean this, in old xenimus level 14 was a high level.
I dont think it should be easy to get past level 20 or so. That said, I dont think there should be a level cap. I dont think that there should be any real limit to the power a character can achieve, but It should be VERY VERY hard to progress after a certain level.

Fri Dec 22, 2006 12:37 am
by Blue Man
I agree that he game should be hard... however, making every player completely vulnerable makes it a safe haven for those people who just kill everyone, even the level one newbs. You will have 30 people surrounding the safe zones just waiting to pk anyone and everyone. there should be neutral areas and non neutral areas. I don't play an online game, and pay money for it, to have some sadistic 45 year old, lifeless, loser of a man take away 5-6 hours of hard work and effort. PvP should be part of the game, but there should be areas, at least for like the first 10 levels that are safe. In Xenimus, I have never made it past level 28, this is becasue everytime, without fail, I get PKed and loose too much. Until recently this was possible, now it is a much more safe, and stable game play. Which whether you liek it or not is much more appealing to a new player. If the game is overly difficult it will fail. You have to have an area for all levels of gamers and players. That means having low level safe hunting areas. Maybe even have level restrictions on certain areas.
A level 1 character CAN go anywhere he/she wants, however in most places he gets killed.
A level 25 character can go anywhere except troll camps, and the t3 gy( for example)
This would do tow things. It would keep low level beginners safe for a short time while they got used to the game and earned abilities to defend themselves. It would also force new players to face the first challenges withtout the direct help of high level players.
Also, PvP should NOT take away exp, otherwise the first 15-20 players that get high level are going to constantly keep all other players down in the lower levels, PvP should be gear only, aswell as possibly giving the Pker exp, but not taking it away from the victim.

Fri Dec 22, 2006 12:44 am
by thadiusofx3
There should be some safe zones, but not places that players can't go to.
PvP should not take exp, but should give exp depending on both combatants levels.

Fri Dec 22, 2006 12:52 am
by Blue Man
Trust me, as a player of Xenimus over the years that quit severa times due to difficulty and Pking, if you have full Pvp in all areas except towns you will have the deusche bags who do nothing but noob kill in low lvl hunt spots.. that is not a good thing. Nor is it fair to new players to be repeatedly raped by some level 30 char who just is bored so he is lvling by killing new players. the old attitude of "Save Xenimus, Kill a Noob" will come back....and that is when the death of Xenius started, becasue the regulations to stop the unfair Pking is what has been over done. Simple safe hunting areas where levls 1-10(for example) are safe from Pks, would solve most problems. Also, Volucris should be more skill based, in Xenimus, a lvl 30 player ALMOST ALWAYS kills a lvl 25... this is much more relevant to lowere lvl players sho are gogin to be forced into PvP areas with lvl 30's.... a lvl 1 and a lvl 30 isn't even a fair match. therefore, there has to be a way to even the playing feild. Don't get me wrong, obviously being lv 30 gives you strong advantages over being lvl 10....but making them live together witout rules is like..saying that Anarchy is a good idea..........and anyone hwo lives in modern day knows that isn't true.. it is called chaos and always fails in the end. There must be rules/laws/regulations...something that prohibits unfair Pking. Or you will get that high level mage who sits in t3 gy and tabes or beams lvl 5s as they try to hunt.

Fri Dec 22, 2006 12:58 am
by thadiusofx3
This could be resolved by setting a level limit on the exp you gain, say 10 levels below you.
so if a level 30 attacks a level 12 they wouldn't get exp because they are below the 10 level barrier, thus having no reason to level by killing them
There can be protected hunting spots on the map also

Fri Dec 22, 2006 8:52 am
by Delurium II
thad, if you think through it, you would see that some of the people who play this game
would still go around pk noobs without getting anything from it. its in xen nature. but thats why there have always been 2 servers
x1 for full pk x2 for 1.5 pk.

Fri Dec 22, 2006 9:50 am
by Vitriol
It would be very possible to set up game anti-pk game rules and have a seperate server for that.
In both servers, I think that you should not lose gear for the first 2 or 3 levels.
XP loss doesnt matter because the formula I came up with barely touches you at low levels.
Anti-PK server could reduce overall PvP damage, prevent gear loss from a Player Kill, and prevent Xp Loss from a player kill.