cant connect?

i was playing the game, then my antivirus popped up trying to scan and windowed evidyon. It took me to the desktop with the scan trying to start and then my whole comp froze. rebooted and when i try to get into evidyon(after the version check/download thing) instead of the login screen i get a button in the middle of my screen saying *stop trying to connect* that i can click to close evidyon. tryed reinstalling n stuff but it wont work. here the debug file thing:
.\volucrisclient.cpp(54): [INFO] Executing state "Startup"
.\statestartup.cpp(24): [INFO] win32-cwd: C:\Program Files\Evidyonn
.\statestartup.cpp(26): [INFO] subsys-cwd: C:\Program Files\Evidyonn
.\acquiregraphics.cpp(103): [INFO] Using "RADEON X700 Series "
.\acquireresources.cpp(95): [INFO] TODO: Make sure the media file is the correct type
.\acquireresources.cpp(953): [INFO] Max vetex blend matrices: 4
.\acquireresources.cpp(954): [INFO] Max vertex blend matrix index: 37
.\volucrisclient.cpp(54): [INFO] Executing state "Connect"
.\volucrisclient.cpp(54): [INFO] Executing state "Shutdown"
.\volucrisclient.cpp(121): [WARNING] Server was still connected when program closed
is this a bug or are the servers just down?
.\volucrisclient.cpp(54): [INFO] Executing state "Startup"
.\statestartup.cpp(24): [INFO] win32-cwd: C:\Program Files\Evidyonn
.\statestartup.cpp(26): [INFO] subsys-cwd: C:\Program Files\Evidyonn
.\acquiregraphics.cpp(103): [INFO] Using "RADEON X700 Series "
.\acquireresources.cpp(95): [INFO] TODO: Make sure the media file is the correct type
.\acquireresources.cpp(953): [INFO] Max vetex blend matrices: 4
.\acquireresources.cpp(954): [INFO] Max vertex blend matrix index: 37
.\volucrisclient.cpp(54): [INFO] Executing state "Connect"
.\volucrisclient.cpp(54): [INFO] Executing state "Shutdown"
.\volucrisclient.cpp(121): [WARNING] Server was still connected when program closed
is this a bug or are the servers just down?