Balancing issue!

Well every one who reads this id like your thoughts or ideas on how karl can fix the issue we've got with balancing.
first point of balance, at the current state of the game a player only relies on brute force it seems, they can put as much they want into intel and str and totally own a player who has used his brain assigning stats, that's something we dont want we ofcourse want some serious awsome builds etc, which is why i made this post to try to ponder about the issue, and i invite people to join etc.
First off Xen was made a way that even if you had good gear you would have to have some decent stats to be able to function ingame without being owned.
These were what i think xen's stats gave a player:
Strength = attack power (most dmg came from weapons and the props they had with 8% base dmg, Clerics could buff attack power)
Agility = speed of spin/attacks(also allowed ranger to buff himself at a certain lvl with speedy velo attacks(the uber fast hitting came from wizards and rangers i think)
Constitution= health of character(though most hp came from cons most about 30% of it came from gear with 8% base hp)
intelligence= was dmg and probably speed of your magical attacks.(all mage items had stats which worked for them like f. ex La staff with 2 mp reg 1 hp reg as a special property)
Wisdom was the source of mana.
and i dont think there was a stat for magic defence, and defence was general defence, later though with the evil good sides ej introduced magic defence talents which i did not like.
i think ej put the stats this way so that even though a player would get massive dmg entering all his stats to strength he would be submissive to some one who had a all around specc with hp dmg and speed.
knight is a fighter class and on xen the fig didnt really get much mana unless he put like 1 point on wisdom etc and used Base mp to get some more and used steals to never run out of it innbattle.
Also Xen unlike Evidyon had lower numbers for weapons/dmg/hp
f.ex a good weapon would have like 120 dmg and a fairly good char would have like 500 hp or something at lvl 25 and strength would make it like 150?, on Evidyon we've got 2k hp etc and we hit for like 600,900 dmg depending on class and all dmg is based on stats for casters and same with knights.
Also even though the game is supoused to be fast paced etc i think we need to slow it down a tad so you can aim at a player as a caster.
if any one has anything to add then maybe we can start calculating some kind of balance between dmg and dfence.
first point of balance, at the current state of the game a player only relies on brute force it seems, they can put as much they want into intel and str and totally own a player who has used his brain assigning stats, that's something we dont want we ofcourse want some serious awsome builds etc, which is why i made this post to try to ponder about the issue, and i invite people to join etc.

First off Xen was made a way that even if you had good gear you would have to have some decent stats to be able to function ingame without being owned.
These were what i think xen's stats gave a player:
Strength = attack power (most dmg came from weapons and the props they had with 8% base dmg, Clerics could buff attack power)
Agility = speed of spin/attacks(also allowed ranger to buff himself at a certain lvl with speedy velo attacks(the uber fast hitting came from wizards and rangers i think)
Constitution= health of character(though most hp came from cons most about 30% of it came from gear with 8% base hp)
intelligence= was dmg and probably speed of your magical attacks.(all mage items had stats which worked for them like f. ex La staff with 2 mp reg 1 hp reg as a special property)
Wisdom was the source of mana.
and i dont think there was a stat for magic defence, and defence was general defence, later though with the evil good sides ej introduced magic defence talents which i did not like.
i think ej put the stats this way so that even though a player would get massive dmg entering all his stats to strength he would be submissive to some one who had a all around specc with hp dmg and speed.
knight is a fighter class and on xen the fig didnt really get much mana unless he put like 1 point on wisdom etc and used Base mp to get some more and used steals to never run out of it innbattle.
Also Xen unlike Evidyon had lower numbers for weapons/dmg/hp
f.ex a good weapon would have like 120 dmg and a fairly good char would have like 500 hp or something at lvl 25 and strength would make it like 150?, on Evidyon we've got 2k hp etc and we hit for like 600,900 dmg depending on class and all dmg is based on stats for casters and same with knights.
Also even though the game is supoused to be fast paced etc i think we need to slow it down a tad so you can aim at a player as a caster.
if any one has anything to add then maybe we can start calculating some kind of balance between dmg and dfence.