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Just because you got owned magicos

Wed May 06, 2009 11:10 pm
by xen01
doesn't mean im bugged.
i pmed karl so he can prove it to you.
Re: Just because you got owned magicos

Thu May 07, 2009 5:18 am
by marzuku
nah i didnt say you were bugged, meant balance is bugged, anyway i was lagging terribly this morning at 6 am(norwegian time) ill be happy to have a rematch if you want to, owned me? tss i transed to sq and could still be damaged that is barrely a owning, ill be sure to show you what owning is later.
Re: Just because you got owned magicos

Thu May 07, 2009 8:33 am
by Karl G.

Re: Just because you got owned magicos

Thu May 07, 2009 11:37 am
by xen01
Lmao you were all like "wahh wahh your char has got too much hp, your char does too much dmg"
You didn't say anything about sq.
So stop lying. I had a witness who saw your crying.
I guess im pretty flattered though, i owned a lvl 22+ at lvl 16, maybe you should learn how to pvp better. Because it didn't take much effort.
Granted your beam almost 1 hit me, i was smart enough to trans around.
Re: Just because you got owned magicos

Thu May 07, 2009 12:09 pm
by marzuku
xen01 wrote:Lmao you were all like "wahh wahh your char has got too much hp, your char does too much dmg"
You didn't say anything about sq.
So stop lying. I had a witness who saw your crying.
I guess im pretty flattered though, i owned a lvl 22+ at lvl 16, maybe you should learn how to pvp better. Because it didn't take much effort.
Granted your beam almost 1 hit me, i was smart enough to trans around.
yeah i pretty much lolled, i talk to karl about pvp almost each and every time i see him online, and i think i know a little more about how the game has changed pvp wize than you have.
fact is that macigos had 485 dfence on at the time you attacked me and which leads me to believe dfence doesnt matter much atm.
and lol you saw me crying? how exactly did you see me crying you repulsive little brat? did you imagine my face in a dream while you were spanking your dryopithecus?(look it up)
and if you want to know the stabillity of my nettwork that morning you can ask my brothers whom were downloading torrents at that time, and wow you got a starlight wand ive got x3 of those and bejewled rings you aint got them? ive got 12, 3 from which i Pk'd karl for fun, lets stop argue on the forums and just have a chat ingame(out of sq preferably

Re: Just because you got owned magicos

Thu May 07, 2009 3:15 pm
by xen01
It's not the point i got your wand, as we all know items in this game are fairly easy to come by.
Ive been playing for like 2 days, And I'm lvl 19. And yes i have bejeweled rings.
You were crying and whining saying "you are reporting MY char to karl" and going to get ME fixed.
As if i had to be bugged to own you, so yes, you actually were crying.
You have alot of nerve saying someone ELSE is bugged when everyone knows at the moment beam does WAY too much dmg and is being fixed.
I find it so pathetic you're bragging about gear, honestly, this game is in alpha. I share everything i get if i have doubles with the other people who play and need them.
It allows them to compete with you for levels, like me and my friend amor, we are almost head to head in level and its a constant motive to keep leveling.
Re: Just because you got owned magicos

Sat May 09, 2009 2:41 am
by marzuku
Wow, you really are getting into this, want me to tell them about when i just killed you and you just died and whined and called me an meanie and REALLY were crying cause i just dropped you?
i am one of the highest lvl players and i have given out way more valuable gear plenty of times just ask any one ingame, just dont like idiots like you who attack players while they are lagging inn and off game.
Re: Just because you got owned magicos

Sat May 09, 2009 2:27 pm
by xen01
You must have me confused with Amor fati.
You've never killed me, and i doubt you ever will.
It's funny how you have to lie, you totally beamed me while i was on square and you weren't. So i waited until you stopped and attacked you.
Seriously just stop, theres no point in arguing anymore, you got caught crying like a little girl because you got dropped.
Re: Just because you got owned magicos

Sun May 10, 2009 11:15 am
by ubern00ber
lol so the PV drama finally started eh?

Re: Just because you got owned magicos

Mon May 11, 2009 11:43 am
by Necromadon
ubern00ber wrote:lol so the PV drama finally started eh?

lol.... I was thinking the same thing.
Re: Just because you got owned magicos

Mon May 11, 2009 12:04 pm
by marzuku
yeah ill admitt i got owned while testing beam on you lagging like a bum on Jack daniel`s with parkinson, and yet even though i admitt i know you will respond and tease me more, it is because ive read your posts and im afraid to say you are a big mouth bragger who is just making enemies, doesnt matter if gear will be deleted or not after beta im sure every one will be killing you on sight just for being a prick, i sure will and i will enjoy it so tremendously >insert develish laugh<
Mm4, Carnage
For all of you who dont like this xen01 you are welcome to be geared up or call for help if he tries to attack you.
Re: Just because you got owned magicos

Mon May 11, 2009 12:10 pm
by Rabit561
This pretty much happens in any game.. That has the priority to PVP. It's very simple minded and everybody at sometime has done it.. I just find it entertaining
Guarantee if the blue screen annoyance gets fixed, I myself will be talking poo and kicking bum as well..
Re: Just because you got owned magicos

Mon May 11, 2009 1:00 pm
by marzuku
anyway! stop this poo until we get real Evidyon trashtalking forums! check out my guild topic instead on suggestions!
Re: Just because you got owned magicos

Mon May 11, 2009 1:14 pm
by xen01
Funny considering i have absolutely no problems with anyone unless they start stuff with me first, which you did. I gear up all the noobs i see, and even help them levels as much as i can. I have a few pals that are lvl 25 aswell.
Also for the "call me for help" thing.
Well after our little pvp session we just had, I'm sure you know how that will turn out.
I really don't have a problem with you anymore. We were acting very nice to eachother in game, testing and such. And i appreciate the couple bejewled rings and helmet of spite and gloves you dropped me. I'm a really cool person dude if you get to know me, you can pretty much ask anyone. You just seem so cocky and arrogant. And after I've killed you in fair Pvp's 1on1 2x on each of your chars, (even though you said you'd own me) you still looked for excuses saying "I could own you, just when theres a reset". I'm thinking dude..come on, just say nice fight and move on. Ever think the way i pvp could have ANYTHING to do with how i can kill you?

Re: Just because you got owned magicos

Mon May 11, 2009 1:21 pm
by marzuku
hehe you fail on setting a format xen01
anyway who's that good looking guy getting a sun tan on the grass

and its nice to know that one of your personal traits is Narcissism, ill whip out mirror shield and you will be basically stunned by yourself!
hehe thanks for proving my experimental spec with 34 str 24 agility 21 cons is a sucky specc.
Re: Just because you got owned magicos

Mon May 11, 2009 1:25 pm
by Richard. UK
you know I think most have us have followed the project long enough and stepped away from elitist behaviours and now are just laid back lols!...
Is that such a good thing ? 
Re: Just because you got owned magicos

Mon May 11, 2009 1:43 pm
by xen01
Setting a format?
And thats fine dude, I'm glad we could test stuff out together too..but why did you claim "blah I'll own you anytime, any day, you suck, your a noob".
It's funny how after you lost, now you were just "testing" stuff.
And thats the way I am with everyone Richard, as you know I helped you out on your char, and even if i do pk someone, it's for fun. And i surely don't go around acting like I'm god as Magicos has done.
Any extra stuff i have I'm more then happy then passing it on to help people grind in those levels before the gear wipe comes.
Re: Just because you got owned magicos

Mon May 11, 2009 1:45 pm
by marzuku
u still out to proof something are you? it must be penis size complex.
btw what if i am testing stuff? like defence according to pvp engagement and then i might just be talking to karl or joe right after i test?
or maybe i might just be testing your current pvp str according to my own and my lame bum stats.
all in all i just want you to quit bragging here and stop killing innocent people online, you will eventually be getting tons of enemies, and you will be damn sure i will be parading when they rape you over and over again without me having to lift a finger even.
Re: Just because you got owned magicos

Mon May 11, 2009 1:48 pm
by xen01
I just play dude, it's a game, ever since i met your char and killed you for your wand when i was 16 and you were 22.
YOU'VE been the one out to prove you can own anyone, and shove excuses down everyones throat as for the reason you died.
Then you said LETS MEET UP YEAH I OWN JOO I OWN JOO to me on boards, we did and you lost, on both chars. It's pretty simple.
All the while I'm not rubbing any of this in your face, until you sit there and STILL continue to talk smack and say someone ELSE is trying to prove something.
Just stop dude, you're taking all of this way too seriously, since day 1.
What you're failing to realize magicos, the only people who have a problem with me, are YOU and that superlong guy. And why? Because in a pvp i killed you both.
I have TONS of people i help out and a few I'm really good friends with like Amor Fati.
Not everyone is acting like you are dude, thats the only problem here.
You go on these boards posting pictures of you killing people, constantly bragging on your gear and how "no one has ever killed me before besides you"
Your the one with the superiority complex.
Re: Just because you got owned magicos

Mon May 11, 2009 1:59 pm
by Joe M.
I think it's safe to say that this topic has been exhausted. Y'all can carry on by private message or in-game.
Joe M.