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PostPosted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 9:26 pm
by thadiusofx3
Yeah Volucris is just a latin word that means flying creature or winged creature, we can use it

I kinda like Project Volucris or Project Volucris: Resurrection.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 11:40 pm
by ziggman
i too am fond of
Project Volucris

PostPosted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 3:55 pm
by 9sam1
project volucris sounds way to much like just a test name for a early project, not a actual game name. If you want more layers outside the xen community you need a better real name lol.

PostPosted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 1:56 pm
by Massive
9sam1 wrote:project volucris sounds way to much like just a test name for a early project, not a actual game name. If you want more layers outside the xen community you need a better real name lol.

Absolutely. 'Project Volucris' hardly trip off the tongue, and doesn't reflect the feel of the game in any way to a novice.

Give consideration to something that captures the fantasy spirit of the game, is easy to pronounce, and actually incites interest in prospective players.

If you like 'Resurrection', that sounds just fine on its own, and it sums up both the fantasy element and the origins of this project.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 1:15 pm
by a_link_to_the_past
Name it "Fallen Kingdom." I donno why I picked that... It just popped into my head for a moment..

Edit: Maybe with this name the game could be centered around a once thriving kingdom that has been reduced and torn apart by corruption and war... Also it could help with the addition of quests... Where they have to kill the Knights and Wizards behind the fall of the kingdom... (a little cheesy but hell I thought I would throw something out there to see if I could stir some ideas)

PostPosted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 9:21 am
by Hatebreed
Hey, at least you have ideas and are trying to get them put to use.

Which is A LOT more than anyone can say for EJ and his game.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 4:06 pm
by 9sam1
i for one hate long cliche game names like "Legend of the ancient 3 swords of the dragon's knights kingdom"

Screw that, i like how xenimus went with the whole 1 made up cool sounding word thing.

Thats what PV should go with to, and perhaps use words from xenimus.

Suggestions from me
Volucris (hell why not)
Gladius (lol)
Aridus (or any other town name could work for the game title.)

PostPosted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 7:28 pm
by JSunJShineR
I'll make up some stuff to help...

-Volucris(I still think this is one of the best)
-Carpe Gladium(Seize the blade in latin)

lol I like typing random crap and then trying to figure out how to pronounce it. I don't know if any of these are good but they sure sound cool. Add a list or something of all the possiblities.!

Re: Name of the game

PostPosted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 11:17 am
by Rabit561
Volucris is the name for the project.. I don't see a reason why it shouldn't be the name of the game..

Re: Name of the game

PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 8:46 am
by Karl G.
I guess I just wanted other name options because I literally made Project Volucris up while I was writing the original post on XT so that I could call it


PostPosted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 12:53 am
by Serenity
Massive wrote:Sanctus is pretty cool, and is derivative of the Xenimus world without being too obvious.

Perhaps you should allow the largest donation to name the game...

(Or perhaps not!)

I'm down with that. =D

Re: Name of the game

PostPosted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 9:45 am
by Karl G.
I do like Sanctus...

I'm thinking that when I start doing improvements on the beta, the people who contribute the most and who stay involved will get to name the game.


Re: Name of the game

PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 3:40 am
by Richard. UK
I have a few ideas. which may be getting somewhere away from the Xenimus names of things, thinking a little bit out of the xen scale, yet using initiative here!

Right i'm Looking at the Latin words for.

Born/Birth = "Oriundus"
Second = "Secundus"
Another = "Alius"

I'm thinknig that this is almost like a re-birth, I have been thinking hard for a while and finally cracked what i believe could be potential names, this below I think is what I have so far, yes there maybe better alternative! but this is what I believe are the best combination, or even just the individual name itself.

In what I believe Best to Last order.

(4 Syllabol)
**** Alruindus **** - (Al - roo - in - duss)
**** Ecriundus **** - (Eck - ree - un - duss)
**** Secriundus **** - (Seck - ree - un - duss)

(3 Syllabol)
**** Lorindus **** - (lorrin - duss) "L" from A"l"ius"
**** Ecrinus **** - (Eck - rin - uss)
**** Orinus **** - (Orrin - uss)

Well I hope that is of any help :)

Let me know what you all think!


Re: Name of the game

PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 7:29 am
by Karl G.
Hehe, very Latin. I really have no idea what to call this game, so any suggestions are welcome :P

Re: Name of the game

PostPosted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 2:57 pm
by JSunJShineR

Re: Name of the game

PostPosted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 7:14 am
by jokee
Since you were talking about all new races besides the norm why not make the game name new as well. Go off the game info.

Re: Name of the game

PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 4:20 pm
by verbal2k5
though i am a bit late on this and almost all other posts in this forum i really think
Project Volucris is very catchy
MAYBE project Volucris: Xenocide if you want to dig at ej lol but it's also catchy
on a side note in reference to jsun's carpe gladuim (latin for blade is actually gladiolus (yes just like the flower)
not trying to nitpick just an observation