Bugs and issues (Current Version: 2.17)

Alpha 2.17
- Graphical
- Animations sometimes make the character models twist or change size.
- Spell animations showing up where they don't belong: random bursts of color around char as I run, multiple spell animations on single cast (seeing teleport animation in addition to multi ignis): viewtopic.php?f=22&t=1341&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=60#p9277
- Plants at edge of water appear underwater.
- Screens and Menus
- Problem with names and deleting: certain names I've used before and since deleted the characters thereof still trigger the "name already in use." This doesn't happen for all names I've created/deleted, but just for a couple ("Lillian," from old acct, may not be deleted; "Mule," from current acct, just deleted last week but can't reuse name).
- Items
- Monsters and NPCs
- Standing too close (I think only possible w/ trans or spawn on top of you) to a monster and spells don't hit it: viewtopic.php?f=22&t=1341&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=60#p9277
- PCs
- Spell list needs to be cleared of artifacts.
- Sometimes when attacking a monster and I trans away, my char keeps trying to attack them, running back to engage, until I target something else. Dangerous!
- Repeated use of Vortex "jams" character--he'll start to spin, then try to start again before he completes the first attack.
- AGI affects cast speed and Vortex speed in weird ways.
- Vis Medus: no matter the target, the animation is around your character.
- Targeted spell consumes MP even if you miss (i.e., there is no target).
- If attempt to drop >= gold total, no gold drops.
- Other
- BSOD bug that won't die.
- Vista file-permissions bug.
- Bug that certain players have experienced: game breaks upon clicking "enter world": Player hears in-game sounds, but game freezes on the character selection screen. Others in-game see character appear and then quickly disappear. Once or twice I've seen the world for an instant before the game closes itself.
- Graphical
- Dropped items are very difficult to see! Monsters fall on top of them, and the grass and trees cover them up. Maybe a glow around items on ground?
- All spells/effects need to have animations/icons. (also icons are now overlapping hp/mp)
- Screens and Menus
- Stats screen needs work: re-writing, unification, more info (e.g., regen totals).
- Confirm on logout so that Player doesn't accidentally log out while exiting menus.
- Say Again, Change View, Chat Log. These all need to be bindable to keys. Right now the first two are disabled and Chat Log is stuck to 'L'.
- Scrolling in chat log is fuxed.
- Items
- HP/MP steals.
- It's difficult to pick items up: you have to click on the exact spot, which can be difficult. Perhaps it could be made less precise, or have an "auto-loot" function, press a key to loot the immediate (small-radius) area?
- Items drag-able in inventory/storage, plz.
- All rings stackable, plz.
- Monsters and NPCs
- Dragons and Golems lack sound
- More geolings, plz, to prevent crowding.
- PCs
- Any EXP beyond that needed to make the next lvl is lost.
- /kick needs to take name parameter, not just kick the nearest party-member
- Balancing
- We needs it.
- Other
- Doorway bug: viewtopic.php?f=22&t=1341&start=30#p9070
- Server status on launcher, plz.