Just name what item you want and we will settle a price.
Magic sash
Irescident cape (Caster item)
Wand of Starlight (Caster item with health hp bonuses etc)
Spirit Dragon axe (best dmg wepon ingame atm)
Helm of spite (Rare, like the best melee helmet ingame)
Helm of hope (Super rare)
Aurelian Gloves (gives health and decent armor)
Aurelian Sword
Aurelian Mace
Boar's tusk mace (gains you 1 level)
Silver ring
Crystalline ring
Argent Circlet (Decent armor and some stats)
Bejewled ring (Equivalent of Vt++ best ring)
and ive got some other rares but lets keep them on a hush

put up the item you want and offer, if two offer on same item then it becomes an auction i guess.