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Fri Dec 22, 2006 2:15 pm
by Delurium II
thought I saw somewhere that you are going with no lvl req on items. I think there are alot of ups and downs on this.
personally I think that it should be a lvl req on items. This has always made people play more just to reach the lvl to be
able to use the items they find. so if you are lvl 15 and find a sp leather, using it at once would be nice and all, but if it was lvl 20
req it will be a really nice thing to lvl after. people tend to play more and be way more dedicated when they got something to play for.
and I wonder also how will drops of good items be? will you have mystic be really rare, and items better then that almost impossbile to find?
will sun staff/moon staff/black cloth/moon robe/dirus armor/vis gladius etc be aquirrable items, or reserved for corsix/valentra etc?
will you add hidden props (hope not), will the items have the stats they have now, with amd etc and not like before where it was almost only prot on em?
will the propping shrine work like it used to (aka only work randomly) will you have a higher selections on props, like there are maybe 12 possible props and only 7 that can
be applied on an item, so we can have 100 of different variations of the same item. (maybe add spell resists, faster cast rate, faster hit rate, shield blocking etc). would make the game much more varied then it was/is.
Will there be new items? like actual sets with maybe bonuses (not suggesting that this will actually happen at first, but atleast something that you can have in the back off your mind)
just throwing out ideas here

Fri Dec 22, 2006 2:29 pm
by thadiusofx3
I'm riding the fence on the level requirement thing.
The idea I propose is to be able to wear any item at any level, BUT if you don't meet the level requirement for that item, have it a % less effective for every level you lack.

Fri Dec 22, 2006 2:39 pm
by Delurium II
so lets say im lvl 15, I use a sp leath and that is lvl 20 req. I'm wearing an item that is 5 lvls higher then me, will your idea be that if I get attacked, I have a 25% chance that it will not work at all, and that prot and props wont be reacted on? like I was not wearing anything at all, or that the item is 25% less effective. lets say it had 60 prot, it would meen that I have only 45 prot on me? and 2 mp regen will be 1.5 mp regen?
and what do you think about the extra props I suggested? making it a much more varied game atleast from my point of veiw (having caster and melee items cause of props)

Fri Dec 22, 2006 2:46 pm
by thadiusofx3
I like the idea of item variation alot.
And i mean like in your example, I'm level 15 and I put on a spirit leather which has a requirement of level 20.
The formula might be something like
Effectiveness = levelofchar / levelreq;
so in this example level 15 with 20 req armor = 15/20 = 75% effective, which means it loses 25% of its effectiveness (doesn't affect props) so if it had 60 protection it would only give you 45 protection.

Fri Dec 22, 2006 3:13 pm
by Ender
I'm liking that too.
And no lvl reqs will also help with item circulation. (cause everybody is gonna pk a lvl 3 in an ominex set)

Fri Dec 22, 2006 3:52 pm
by Vitriol
thadiusofx3 wrote:I like the idea of item variation alot.
And i mean like in your example, I'm level 15 and I put on a spirit leather which has a requirement of level 20.
The formula might be something like
Effectiveness = levelofchar / levelreq;
so in this example level 15 with 20 req armor = 15/20 = 75% effective, which means it loses 25% of its effectiveness (doesn't affect props) so if it had 60 protection it would only give you 45 protection.
thats a good solution.

Fri Dec 22, 2006 4:09 pm
by Delurium II
yes its a good solution. as long as it doesnt work the other way too, if your lvl 25 and item is lvl 20 you wont have 125% effectivity out of it. not that i think you have had an idea of that. but I think a good idea is to have it at 10% for each lvl. cause with 5%, you could use an item at 10 lvls lower then you and even get 50% of it, something thats prob much higher then items of its lvl. at 10% items will be obselelit at 10 lvls lower, not 20 lvls.
but that idea is a very good one. I really like it. I think this game would really become something, because people can come with imput evfen before its made. graphics I dont really care that much for, but the old xen feeling will be back, and pvp in old xen, was the BEST ever. Ive never played a game that can compare even within any range of that. Thats why I must absolutly beg that hidden props will not be implented. they totally destroyed the pvp experience in xen. if you have the highest lvl char, you should have a really advantage in pvp instead of the one with most noob gear that have hiddens on it.

Sat Dec 23, 2006 9:08 am
by Karl G.
Actually, I think multiplying the effectiveness might be a really neat idea...think about it, leather armor is useless even at level 1. Elven plate is what...14 protection? and is ridiculously good for that level. As you level up, though, low-level items become completely worthless--however, if items are going to be lost frequently, people shouldn't be crippled by those losses, only set back and made to work harder to regain them. Consider this:
Leather Armor
Level: 1
Protection: 1
Chain Mail
Level: 3
Protection: 5
Defense Added = Player Level / Armor Level * Protection
For a level 15 character,
Defense of Leather Armor = 15 / 1 * 1 = 15
Defense of Chain Mail = 15 / 3 * 5 = 25
Now, higher level armors may have lower levels so their protections multiply more, or they might have higher requirements and more innate abilities. For example:
Lightning Leather
Resist Lightning Damage
Level: 12
Protection: 25
Fire Shield
Resist Fire Damage
Resist Breath Weapons
Level: 10
Protection: 8
For the level 15 character:
Lightning Leather Defense = 15 / 12 * 25 = 31
Fire Shield Defense = 10
Doing this would allow players to be creative about what gear they wear, because sometimes lower-level gear would actually give higher defense, while higher level gear that they aren't suited to yet, even though it gives some specials, gives lower defense.

Sat Dec 23, 2006 12:20 pm
by 9sam1
i think there should be more robes. there the coolest looking items

Sat Dec 23, 2006 1:02 pm
by Vitriol
on that note: if an item has a resistance built in, it should be significant. Like 15% damage shaved off or something.

Sat Dec 23, 2006 6:42 pm
by Necromadon
I think there should be lower level mage items. (assuming this game goes with the level req system)
Wand [no effect]
Magic Wand (level 3) [Animus Adgredi]
Fire Wand (level 6) [Ignis Adgredi]
Dragon Wand (level

[Vis Flamma Ventus] *rare
Lightning Wand (level 12) [Magnus Fulgar]
Mystic Wand (level 18) [Lunae Lumen Nex, 1mp regen]
Magic Hat (level 3)
Fire Hat (level 6) [+3% fire spell damage]
Ice Dragon Hat (level

[+ 3% ice spell damage]
Lightning Hat (level 12) [+ 3% lightning damage]

Wed May 23, 2007 12:07 pm
by a_link_to_the_past
Necromadon wrote:I think there should be lower level mage items. (assuming this game goes with the level req system)
Wand [no effect]
Magic Wand (level 3) [Animus Adgredi]
Fire Wand (level 6) [Ignis Adgredi]
Dragon Wand (level

[Vis Flamma Ventus] *rare
Lightning Wand (level 12) [Magnus Fulgar]
Mystic Wand (level 18) [Lunae Lumen Nex, 1mp regen]
Magic Hat (level 3)
Fire Hat (level 6) [+3% fire spell damage]
Ice Dragon Hat (level

[+ 3% ice spell damage]
Lightning Hat (level 12) [+ 3% lightning damage]
I like this idea

Thu Jun 21, 2007 7:54 pm
by shadowni
9sam1 wrote:i think there should be more robes. there the coolest looking items

I agree, maybe a Fire Robe, Omni Robe, Dirus Robe, Diabolic Robe, Magic Elven Robe. ^_^ Robes are the coolest, in regular Xen I choose a arc robe over an sp plate. =D
But I recently got jacked for my poo because I made the mistake of trusting someone. so yeah...
It's okay though, it's only a game. =D

Thu Jun 21, 2007 8:40 pm
by JSunJShineR
lol why not just have durability like every other game and make dorp rate much higher... this would circulate the items much better than waiting for someone lvl 3 to get pked, i eman if i had a lv 3 in omni i would wear 3 bags and if i died i wouldnt get up til the next day. lmao say the lvl of the item determines durability and the loss of it. so lvl 1 item 10 durability every time u die in it 1 loss
but the max is like 150 or 100 so the circulation accurs faster.
and the durability of the item determines effectiveness of it. so if you lvl 1 in omni its a stupid idea, also make item req lower and more items=)