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Re: What's going on with this update

Mon Aug 24, 2009 6:22 pm
by Joe M.
I'm not sure how often it backs up right now. Previously, I believe it was every 15 minutes. But remember, once we get this release stable and bug-fixed, we're planning on doing daily wipes for about a week so that we can test balance (e.g., do the Adepts have enough HP? Do the Sorcerers deal enough damage? Do the Hunters get *too* fast?).
I quote from
Karl's post at the start of the thread:
Because we are still trying to figure out how to balance everything, make sure the game is stable and make it more fun (!!) we need you guys to help us test.
To this end, we will be doing reset-tests of the game until next week. Each day expect to log in to a completely wiped server with fixes based on your feedback from the previous version. You can get in, play, test things out and let me know what needs to be fixed here on the forum. Once Pre-Beta starts, we will start the "official" version where you get to keep your characters, and we will start adding content/maps/spells/etc and increasing the level cap as fast as we can.
We designed all the numbers in the abstract (part of this release was a complete design overhaul, which created a coherent mechanics for the game), but they need a good bit of testing. Now we're not going to hang out at this (fairly limited, content-wise) stage endlessly, but we do need to make sure that they're
mostly in balance before we proceed. Basically, with this release we're building a nice and solid foundation upon which future versions of Evidyon will rest (Pre-Beta, Beta, Commercial); if we rush forward now, we're all going to regret it later when we've got a junky and incoherent system that doesn't play smoothly.
Re: What's going on with this update

Mon Aug 24, 2009 6:25 pm
by Karl G.
Hey everyone!
The server backs up every 30 minutes--but I'm reducing that to 10 minutes as of this upload I'm doing right now. Other things that have been fixed include: monsters dying in water and dropping items in water appear correctly now, I fixed another potential crash bug (allocating lots of memory O.o) and I've made chaos less dark.
Re: What's going on with this update

Mon Aug 24, 2009 8:00 pm
by Caps
What's the status on today's update? Do we have an eta on when the server will be back up?
Re: What's going on with this update

Mon Aug 24, 2009 8:08 pm
by Karl G.
Right now!
Re: What's going on with this update

Mon Aug 24, 2009 9:06 pm
by Caps
Very nice... I already see improvements from Saturday.
Only major problems are the level 10 cap and the seemingly small map.
Oh, and lack of anything but weapon and / or shield showing up on character, but I heard that's being fixed. Is this correct?
Re: What's going on with this update

Mon Aug 24, 2009 9:39 pm
by Joe M.
Only major problems are the level 10 cap and the seemingly small map.
This is deliberate. As y'all have been experiencing, there are still a good number of bugs to work out with the game. Once those get worked out we'll take a little time to make sure our numbers are in place. Then we add content. It would be counter-productive to have a lot of content at this stage: as it is, we can easily focus on the issues and get them fixed quickly.
Oh, and lack of anything but weapon and / or shield showing up on character, but I heard that's being fixed. Is this correct?
Re: What's going on with this update

Mon Aug 24, 2009 9:51 pm
by Immortal
when will we be able 2 /lead ppl so i can join with my friend
Re: What's going on with this update

Mon Aug 24, 2009 9:55 pm
by ven
Can I report bugs here or do you guys want me to pm them?
Re: What's going on with this update

Mon Aug 24, 2009 10:37 pm
by Caps
The sorcerer's flamma teuri-like spell needs adjusting. Especially the part where it persists while they're lying on the ground...
Re: What's going on with this update

Mon Aug 24, 2009 11:20 pm
by Joe M.
Immortal wrote:when will we be able 2 /lead ppl so i can join with my friend
There was a problem with parties crashing the server. I don't know whether or not it was fixed with today's update, but if it wasn't, Karl may have disabled parties temporarily. I believe that guilds work, though. Check
the instructions post to make sure you're using the correct commands.
ven wrote:Can I report bugs here or do you guys want me to pm them?
Well, it looks like the bug forum is still locked, so you can go ahead and post them over
Re: What's going on with this update

Mon Aug 24, 2009 11:44 pm
by ven
Went for like an hour with no crashes.
Re: What's going on with this update

Tue Aug 25, 2009 8:37 am
by Karl G.
Caps wrote:The sorcerer's flamma teuri-like spell needs adjusting. Especially the part where it persists while they're lying on the ground...
Persisting while dead has been fixed in the next update. However, the power of spells and the flow of spells will definitely still need tweaking.
Re: What's going on with this update

Tue Aug 25, 2009 9:16 am
by Griblin
when will the server be back up?....not trying to be a pain, just excited to play.
Re: What's going on with this update

Tue Aug 25, 2009 9:18 am
by strafe of x2
not just sorc flamma but basically any spell like burn freeze or anything you can can on someone aleady dead :\ makes killin other people/things harder
Re: What's going on with this update

Tue Aug 25, 2009 9:24 am
by strafe of x2
how long we think before the server is up?
Re: What's going on with this update

Tue Aug 25, 2009 12:36 pm
by ven
Hopefully the server comes up soon.
Re: What's going on with this update

Tue Aug 25, 2009 1:56 pm
by Karl G.
I'm bringing the server up as often as I can, but I think there is a memory leak bug--once it's been up for a while, everything bogs down and it takes me 15 minutes just to log in to the damn thing and restart it.
As far as other bug fixes go, I have been making steady progress nailing down the crashing bugs and other pesky problems (like Cloud of Cinders staying on while dead =O) so keep 'em coming! I look forward to having this thing stable and fun asap!!
Re: What's going on with this update

Tue Aug 25, 2009 2:26 pm
by Sankt Pauli
Keep up the good work dude. As for fun, i found it allready quite enjoyable yesterday, especially running around and shooting boulders at people.

Re: What's going on with this update

Tue Aug 25, 2009 4:59 pm
by strafe of x2
heck yeah. its been fun.
also i have a geo adept and his weapon doesnt show up until u put a shield on. not sure if u were aware of that
Re: What's going on with this update

Tue Aug 25, 2009 5:30 pm
by Joe M.
* global chat (prefix >).
* fixed lag bug (hopefully). Yes! This seems to work very well--this is the smoothest I've ever played any version of Evidyon.
* Cloud of Cinders will now cease on death.
* Stonebolt projectiles are smaller.
* Crawlers should look better. They do.
* Gold should show up correctly (instead of as blue potions). Nope.
Re: What's going on with this update

Tue Aug 25, 2009 6:11 pm
by Sankt Pauli
Well lag seems to be a big issue still, most of the time it's near unplayable for me. So i can't really agree that it's the smoothest version so far. :s
Edit: This is weird, now it just was supersmooth again. o0
Edit²: And just to make sure, i mean this very newest version.
Re: What's going on with this update

Tue Aug 25, 2009 7:33 pm
by strafe of x2
lag is coming and going back and forth. one minute its perfect the next the server will crash
Re: What's going on with this update

Tue Aug 25, 2009 10:37 pm
by Joe M.

Guess I caught it on a perfect minute, then. At least Karl's fix helped some (something about monsters not deleting properly). Also, we'll be getting a much better server some time in the next few days, which will help a lot.
Re: What's going on with this update

Tue Aug 25, 2009 11:08 pm
by strafe of x2
i wish it was up right now

im wantin to get like 400 exp to get my hunter to 10 he is almost there unless server didnt get it saved
Re: What's going on with this update

Wed Aug 26, 2009 8:17 am
by Sankt Pauli
Had a lagfree time right now again. Melee/Hunter damage has been a bit reduced? It felt more natural today.