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Level list (not well formatted tho...)

PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 2:46 pm
by Karl G.
Code: Select all
name   level
tig   1
????????   1
??????????????????????????????????????????   1
??????Radical??????   3
??????Radical??????   3
????Radical????   2
??R??A??D??I??C??A??L??   1
A                   A   1
aa   1
Adeptis   13
Alan   1
Amaranth   1
Amaranth TWO   4
Aserak   1
Avik   1
b    2
baddiekiller   2
baw   3
blue   1
Blue Tiger   2
BlueBlobby   1
Blue-Steel .45   1
Branden   1
breath of Life   1
Brevik   1
bruiser   1
BT   4
burt   3
Camel   1
Carlito Monteban   1
Ceena   3
Commander Zed   2
conceptz   12
Corsex   12
Corsix   11
Cow   1
Cowinator   1
crazy stuff   7
d   3
da3   1
ddd   1
ddddd   1
death to life   6
Delurium   13
Delurium ii   8
Demo   11
dermos   1
Devastation   2
Devi   1
Devil In Disguise   1
Diablos   1
die mofo   1
Djarum   14
doggy   2
Draconis   2
dsghsrmsrtj   1
Dude wheres my anus   1
Eclipse   1
ELF!   1
Elite   2
evidyon   1
Fear   8
Felverick   1
Felvericken   1
firestriker   1
foobar   1
GIgantua   1
Gigantua   11
gloryhole   1
God   1
Godly   1
GodMode   2
Grave Robber   6
Hardcore   1
Hardcorian   14
Hectix   1
Helper   1
Herrena   1
hey   1
hi [plz   1
Huie   3
ilikedick   6
Immortal   6
Immortal Adept   9
Immortal Firelisk   1
Immortal One   1
Insane Intentions   1
james bond   1
Jesus   1
JesusChristPose   1
Jinloh   3
jnihalemn   1
Joe Black   9
Joe M.   1
Joeafro   1
Joseph   1
KARL   8
King   1
King Xodus   4
Komola   1
kuba   1
kubakuba   1
kubatroopa   1
Kurt Cobain   7
Laggy mc Laggerson   1
Lansky   1
Lawn Gnome   8
life among the dead   2
lilpeezy   3
lolz   1
Male Gnome Adept   13
Malus   1
man of magic   1
mannnnnnn   1
Marilyn Manson   1
Michele   1
MOngatard   1
montaigne   1
Mwahahaha   2
Natasha   2
Necr0mad0n   1
Necromadon   1
Nesro   1
Never Miss   1
Neverith   1
newbie   5
Nightwish   2
obtic   1
Omfg   1
omg awesomeeeee   1
Omgpk   1
Oppenheimer   1
Oritus   1
Ownage   1
Prototype   1
Pwnage   10
quick quick   5
Radical   1
rawr   1
Ren   3
Sabren   1
Sankt pauli   1
Sarahbear   2
Satanic   1
schneeflittchen   3
Scottius   1
ShadowKiri   1
SomeCharacter   1
ssd   3
Stoody   2
Tesin   1
testbed   1
Thadius   2
Thadius2   11
Thadius3   2
Thadiusofx3   1
Thief Mcgee   1
Tootsie Roll   9
Twist Of Fate   1
Volcom   1
WEED   1
Winking At Lillian   2
Wrath Of God   1
Wtf   1
X   12
Xilav   1
Xile   1
XILE   1
yt65   1
Zed   1
Zomg   1
zomg   1

Re: Level list (not well formatted tho...)

PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 3:11 pm
by Serenity
Am I (Demo) the highest non adept class?

Re: Level list (not well formatted tho...)

PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 6:46 pm
by Karl G.
You and Gigantua are the same level :)

Re: Level list (not well formatted tho...)

PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 8:11 pm
by Serenity
not anymore, I think I leveled lol.

Re: Level list (not well formatted tho...)

PostPosted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 3:10 am
by Richard. UK
you are using an easy to level paladin :P

plus I have been out of action from this BSOD bug for a couple of days! lol

I have a level 12 Paladin also now who is stuck with the BSOD bug

Re: Level list (not well formatted tho...)

PostPosted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 7:47 am
by Karl G.
fixed the paladin

Re: Level list (not well formatted tho...)

PostPosted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 12:51 pm
by Sega Rally Pownz
LMAO at the dude named "Dude wheres my anus"

Re: Level list (not well formatted tho...)

PostPosted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 1:41 pm
by Sankt Pauli
When the stat screen comes out we could make a traditional 'name and post' level list.
I'm 14. ^^

Re: Level list (not well formatted tho...)

PostPosted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 5:11 pm
by Delurium II
1mill exp breached (for the first time I think)
Got the hp bug 1/5th into the lvl (comp restarted while in a bunch of mobs. Got back and I had "dead" hp sign but still could lvl)
Beat like 30000 mobs to death cause of lack of mp :-)
Further notes includes:
-Spawn points for mobs are borked. they often stand ontop of eachother without doing anything)
-Mobs on third continent dont drop anything at all.
-Huge monster not spotted. prob searched 90% of the continent before I lvled. Supposed to be there tho.
-Lvl 18-19 is 350k exp :-/

Giev more items :-)

Re: Level list (not well formatted tho...)

PostPosted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 5:35 pm
by BLC87
Hardcorian eh?

Re: Level list (not well formatted tho...)

PostPosted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 5:49 pm
by Karl G.
Delurium II wrote:-Lvl 18-19 is 350k exp :-/

Too quick or too slow?

Re: Level list (not well formatted tho...)

PostPosted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 6:47 pm
by BLC87
HP Bug + Adept so it's probably easy.

Re: Level list (not well formatted tho...)

PostPosted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 7:14 pm
by Sankt Pauli
In it's current form without any mp pots it's a tad slow (but cool when you're doing something else besides, like work for university hehe), if pots are used like in xenimus levelling should be allright for what i've seen so far (which is 1-15).

Re: Level list (not well formatted tho...)

PostPosted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 8:38 pm
by BLC87
With the right combos as a Lock, you can clear stuff quickly; and have mp to do it 4-5 more times.