What each stat does

This is what I think each stat should do. It's only slightly changed from Xenimus. The goal here is to make each stat useful to every class.
Strength: melee dmg, carry wt, bit of hp, weapon skills
Agility: AC, to-hit, walk/cast/attack speed, weapon skills
Constitution: more hp, poison resist, swim, rage
Intelligence: bonus exp, mana, most attack spells, skill points
Wisdom: mana, defense spells, heal, resists, spirit magic, buffs, detection magic
Strength should give a bit less HP than it does now, so that Constitution is more useful to fighters.
Let Agility affect casting speed so that it isn't wasted on mages.
What can I say about Consitution? Basically all it does is give HP.
Intelligence should give a bit more bonus EXP( in Xenimus it's 1 point per point in Intelligence). It should also increase the rate of skill points per level, to make it more useful all around.
Wisdom needs a little boost. Let it affect buffs and detection magic.
Both Intelligence and Wisdom should give mana. I don't really like the idea of having a primary magic stat and the other one giving no MP. We will see more balanced mages this way.
Strength: melee dmg, carry wt, bit of hp, weapon skills
Agility: AC, to-hit, walk/cast/attack speed, weapon skills
Constitution: more hp, poison resist, swim, rage
Intelligence: bonus exp, mana, most attack spells, skill points
Wisdom: mana, defense spells, heal, resists, spirit magic, buffs, detection magic
Strength should give a bit less HP than it does now, so that Constitution is more useful to fighters.
Let Agility affect casting speed so that it isn't wasted on mages.
What can I say about Consitution? Basically all it does is give HP.
Intelligence should give a bit more bonus EXP( in Xenimus it's 1 point per point in Intelligence). It should also increase the rate of skill points per level, to make it more useful all around.
Wisdom needs a little boost. Let it affect buffs and detection magic.
Both Intelligence and Wisdom should give mana. I don't really like the idea of having a primary magic stat and the other one giving no MP. We will see more balanced mages this way.