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New Update - Animation Bug

Sat Dec 05, 2009 4:17 pm
by Glorfindelus
Idk if it's just a problem on my end, but all the spell animations are mixed up, transing is beaming instead, charging is casting fake portals, multi is a red heal spell.
Re: New Update - Animation Bug

Sat Dec 05, 2009 4:47 pm
by willy nilly
Yeah we get it aswell. Items drop as trees and rocks and bridges. Crash at geosid lots of animation poo.
Re: New Update - Animation Bug

Sat Dec 05, 2009 4:58 pm
by Part-Time Modeler
Yeah it is not your problem. Karl uploaded this one, I will check my files and see what is up.
The game worked thursday but maybe I will re-compile it and see.
It is not Karl's fault. I don't think it is mine either, i didnt change anything since Thursday, hmmmm.
Re: New Update - Animation Bug

Sat Dec 05, 2009 5:21 pm
by Part-Time Modeler
Ok this thing is not uploading, I have to go do some yard work while I still have day light.
Will be back to work on it in a while.
Re: New Update - Animation Bug

Sat Dec 05, 2009 7:30 pm
by Part-Time Modeler
Good news and bad news, well it is more like pain in the butt news.
The GOOD news is that the game works now and all the spells are correct, if it says trans, you trans instead of sorc beam.
The animations were not aligned with the spells. I re-compiled it 2 more times and didn't touch anything and it works now.
The BAD news is that none of your quick keys are correctly assigned to the spells you had them before. I have no clue why the key files on your personal computers are not aligning with the game, but all you have to do is go to your casting menu and re-asign all your quick keys.
I tested everything and it works now, all spells and other modifications that I made.
Good Luck finding the expansion.
p.s. Bring a Friend. You may need backup.
Re: New Update - Animation Bug

Sat Dec 05, 2009 8:57 pm
by xile
I'm having some awful issues. Whenever I walk a character outside of town I get a Visual C++ runtime error and crash. I have done this with 3 characters and cannot log on with them. I can log on to my other character, however I'm sure if I walk him far off the square I will encounter another debilitating crash.
Re: New Update - Animation Bug

Sun Dec 06, 2009 12:29 am
by xile
Fixed it.
I was able to log on without ever downloading the update - thus the errors.