Spell cost/effectiveness - Damage updated (23/9)

This is a list of the current spells, their mp cost, the damage they do to a naked character using Exoteric and any impressions/issues about them. Its purpose is for general information and to bring any concerns forward for Karl, please add your own in this thread. As of the testing, Exoteric is a lv17 Wizard with the stats of 10 10 25 28 18, obviously damage will differ depending on player stats. Currently armor count does not effect spell damage.
This list is a work in progress.
Spell name
Mana cost
Damage done
Damage per mana point
glaci - 8mp - 42dmg - 5.25dpm
hex mortis hydra - 245mp - 88dmg - 0.35dpm - Will take mp even if I don't have enough to cast. MP cost FAR too high.
makrus - 16mp - 89dmg - 5.6dpm
piri - 8mp - 42dmg - 5.25dpm
glacigon - 6mp - 28dmg - 4.66dpm
glacigon rigor - 25mp - 71dmp - 2.84dpm
pirigon - 6mp - 19dmg - 3.16dpm
pirigon rigor - 25mp - 71dmg - 2.84dpm
anaglaci - 4mp - 23dmg - 5.75dpm
anaglaci hydra - 10mp - No effect in PvP
anapiri - 4mp - No effect in PvP
anapiri hydra - 9mp - No effect in PvP
chromox - 4mp - No effect in PvP
silgra - 185mp - 202dmg - 1.09dpm - Will take mp even if I don't have enough to cast. Also will very rarely hit, I am not sure if there are any special conditions this spell works under or not.
chromogon fortis - 20mp - 83dmg - 4.15dpm
glacigon fortis - 35mp - 95dmg - 2.71dpm
pirigon fortis - 35mp - 95dmg - 2.71dpm
sarror - 48mp - 83dmg - 1.72dpm
mortalitas - 45mp - 166dmg - 3.68dpm
putesco - 45mp - 166dmg - 3.68dpm
Self Healing
maximidus - 12mp
midand - 16mp
midand rigor - 40mp
midus - 2mp
midigo - 15mp
ultanamidus - 45mp - Does nothing at the moment.
AOE Healing
anamidus - 22mp
glaciand - 9mp
pirinand - 9mp
telemitrus - 24mp
val telemitrus - 30mp
mutatio nimbus - 25mp - Right click to stop action.
magus exterude - 190mp - MP cost is far too high and/or the spell needs to last a lot longer.
benefictrus - 35mp
This list is a work in progress.
Spell name
Mana cost
Damage done
Damage per mana point
glaci - 8mp - 42dmg - 5.25dpm
hex mortis hydra - 245mp - 88dmg - 0.35dpm - Will take mp even if I don't have enough to cast. MP cost FAR too high.
makrus - 16mp - 89dmg - 5.6dpm
piri - 8mp - 42dmg - 5.25dpm
glacigon - 6mp - 28dmg - 4.66dpm
glacigon rigor - 25mp - 71dmp - 2.84dpm
pirigon - 6mp - 19dmg - 3.16dpm
pirigon rigor - 25mp - 71dmg - 2.84dpm
anaglaci - 4mp - 23dmg - 5.75dpm
anaglaci hydra - 10mp - No effect in PvP
anapiri - 4mp - No effect in PvP
anapiri hydra - 9mp - No effect in PvP
chromox - 4mp - No effect in PvP
silgra - 185mp - 202dmg - 1.09dpm - Will take mp even if I don't have enough to cast. Also will very rarely hit, I am not sure if there are any special conditions this spell works under or not.
chromogon fortis - 20mp - 83dmg - 4.15dpm
glacigon fortis - 35mp - 95dmg - 2.71dpm
pirigon fortis - 35mp - 95dmg - 2.71dpm
sarror - 48mp - 83dmg - 1.72dpm
mortalitas - 45mp - 166dmg - 3.68dpm
putesco - 45mp - 166dmg - 3.68dpm
Self Healing
maximidus - 12mp
midand - 16mp
midand rigor - 40mp
midus - 2mp
midigo - 15mp
ultanamidus - 45mp - Does nothing at the moment.
AOE Healing
anamidus - 22mp
glaciand - 9mp
pirinand - 9mp
telemitrus - 24mp
val telemitrus - 30mp
mutatio nimbus - 25mp - Right click to stop action.
magus exterude - 190mp - MP cost is far too high and/or the spell needs to last a lot longer.
benefictrus - 35mp