Where do i signup?

heard about the PV a long time ago by friends who said it would never work which calmed me down quite alot, but now im interested again.
I used to play characters which made lvling hell for lowlvls:)
Maximus macigos IIi, El cid compeador, Warlock of Death, Winky, Geezmo all in their own time Bringers of Havoc and destruction.
My question: Will there be a Ban for excessive pk? cause i remember the lan parties with Alko, The macgyver, Xzyte, Laffen, Kapow(the old owners from Norway, Bergen)
What captured me about Xen was the freedom to kill every single player i wanted to, turning on my Children of Bodom while just making portals to all the newbie spots grinding low lvls for gear, which i lated used on my last character Winky.
Just wondering where i can signup for testing?
i have grown since Maximus Macigos IIi(if you remember him) i have developed a taste for heavy grinding games with excellent pvp systems, ive tried almost every game out there. D1, d2, wow, aoc, eveo, Lc, Fiesta, Ether saga, Sro, Ko, 9d, mythos, and the list goes on and on for underground Free to play games where i tried to find the essence of the old Xen.
I would donate if i knew where the donation button was
Just reply and tell me where i signup for the SlaughteRrrrR
I used to play characters which made lvling hell for lowlvls:)
Maximus macigos IIi, El cid compeador, Warlock of Death, Winky, Geezmo all in their own time Bringers of Havoc and destruction.
My question: Will there be a Ban for excessive pk? cause i remember the lan parties with Alko, The macgyver, Xzyte, Laffen, Kapow(the old owners from Norway, Bergen)
What captured me about Xen was the freedom to kill every single player i wanted to, turning on my Children of Bodom while just making portals to all the newbie spots grinding low lvls for gear, which i lated used on my last character Winky.
Just wondering where i can signup for testing?
i have grown since Maximus Macigos IIi(if you remember him) i have developed a taste for heavy grinding games with excellent pvp systems, ive tried almost every game out there. D1, d2, wow, aoc, eveo, Lc, Fiesta, Ether saga, Sro, Ko, 9d, mythos, and the list goes on and on for underground Free to play games where i tried to find the essence of the old Xen.
I would donate if i knew where the donation button was

Just reply and tell me where i signup for the SlaughteRrrrR