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Mon May 18, 2009 8:05 pm
by Volcomboy99
So i logged in today for my second time.. decided that i could level a bit and get a feel of the game, only to find out the entire servers hates me for a suspision that im "Gonzo". grow up please. yall are like every other person that comes to xenimus, dont assume im someone, lol.
anyways. i like the game-the ppl were really cool up till now
Re: maturity.

Mon May 18, 2009 8:06 pm
by Forlorn
sounds like Gonzo!!!!!!!
BTW if your not gonzo.. you will realize everyone is chill and we do all help eachother...=O
Re: maturity.

Mon May 18, 2009 8:15 pm
by XpLiCiT
lol the gonzo hunt was v funny
Re: maturity.

Mon May 18, 2009 8:16 pm
by Volcomboy99
everyone was chill true that-then i logged on and joined the newly formed link by joseph, only seconds later to be kicked, the reason was, we think your gonzo, there for we hate you.
Re: maturity.

Mon May 18, 2009 8:17 pm
by xen01
I aplogize for that, but you have to understand it wasn't that serious.
I was just about to link you again until server crashed.
Make sure you check out a new post im about to make about me making a guild. I have to talk to forlorn (amor) about it first. And ill be posting up alot of info about it.
Re: maturity.

Mon May 18, 2009 8:19 pm
by XpLiCiT
we think your gonzo, there for we hate you.
And that was what they said before everyone decided to linch you...good thing the server crashed
Re: maturity.

Mon May 18, 2009 8:19 pm
by Forlorn
Volcom chill your timing logging in was just not in your favor tonight... Me and Jos were having a man hunt and everyone was guilty til provin innocent... I am sorry if we came off as dicks, but it will all blow over soon =D
Re: maturity.

Mon May 18, 2009 8:21 pm
by XpLiCiT
You should add a shoutbox on the forum so we can all grill eachover when the servers r down
Re: maturity.

Mon May 18, 2009 8:21 pm
by xen01
Amor, read my message and reply, i need to talk to you about a guild im making.
Re: maturity.

Mon May 18, 2009 8:23 pm
by Volcomboy99
this has got to be the most active community i've seen. but ya sorry if i came off as a dick to-lol i've had a interesting night is all.
Re: maturity.

Mon May 18, 2009 8:26 pm
by Forlorn
its cool!
Honestly even if you are gonzo... the fact that he will have to make a new character ananomously (SP*) just so every1 wont kill him is punishment enough for his crimes...I wont be murdering noobs anymore over the thought that I might get the right one.
Re: maturity.

Mon May 18, 2009 8:28 pm
by Joe M.
hahaha. Careful there, Joseph!

Re: maturity.

Mon May 18, 2009 9:52 pm
by xen01
lol i didn't do anything!
Re: maturity.

Tue May 19, 2009 12:46 am
by sandalhat
All i gotta say is lol on that one.
Re: maturity.

Tue May 19, 2009 2:31 pm
by gonzo
You guys are hilarious. This all started because i was under the suspicion that i took someones drop. It was some other dude that killed you and took the top of the stack, then he logged while i was tryin to get the rest of it and now it was assumed i took it. I will admit i have killed 3 other people for i guess a rare armor/axe/crown of talon? But since i did not take that other guys drop i will certainly not take the blame for it. Come on guys i will admit to everything else including the sq bug which i didnt mean to use, it just kinda happened and i will not admit to taking someones drop? Btw regret was not me...i was helping him actually today. I'm not a bad guy but wen u guys come at me with all this bull then yes i will go against u with all i got. lol Anyways hope this helps all the misunderstanding. Sorry about all of you losing the gear but hey dont pick on me...I am willing to truce with u guys =D
Re: maturity.

Tue May 19, 2009 2:37 pm
by xen01
The only thing i have against you is the fact you killed and took gear from people I'm friends with. Thats all fine and dandy thats the point of the game, but don't expect me to be nice or friendly to you, i will kill you whenever i see you.
And i will want to pvp you, even though, we both know thats not going to happen considering you don't have the testicular fortitude for that.
You're making a big deal about people not liking you, it was never a big deal what you did, thats part of the game. I just don't get why you would expect people to like you, when you go around killing noobs who can't defend themselves, instead of pvping people your level like me.
So accept the hatred towards you, and be prepared to drop that gear you think is "rare" lmao.
Re: maturity.

Tue May 19, 2009 8:32 pm
by Forlorn
YEa we figured he wasnt you... but nah im still gonna kill you with my knight every time I see you. =D
Re: maturity.

Tue May 19, 2009 11:41 pm
by gonzo
Ummm first off your friends attacked me... so i killed them and took there drops...i never attack first. Second i don't go killing noobs.. ask them all i help them if anything. Thirdly if its part of the game then why are u gettin mad who i'm killing? All this gear will be gone, so it wont matter. I didn't expect anyone to like me or even dislike me, i just played the game the way i thought i thought it should be played.
Re: maturity.

Tue May 19, 2009 11:46 pm
by marzuku
blah blah blah blah
some one died and some stole gear, others try to manipulate them so they will join his guild lol its all bullskeet!