The New Update-Bugs?

Hey Karl, i just wanna say, good job on the update, although i'm having a few problems(may not only be me).. My computer has a great graphics card, just may have some settings wrong on the game.
The monsters and character have no name.
The helmets are a mile off the head.
Arms through shields.
Maces have no graphic.
I keep getting stuck on the monsters and can not move.
No text in the stats screen.
What happened to the thing where u put items for sale? may be me lol..
Some parts of the world have water over top of the ground(dirt,grass,rock,etc..)
Are u able to enter buildings? if so i can not.
Thats just a few of the things im having trouble with.
The monsters and character have no name.
The helmets are a mile off the head.
Arms through shields.
Maces have no graphic.
I keep getting stuck on the monsters and can not move.
No text in the stats screen.
What happened to the thing where u put items for sale? may be me lol..
Some parts of the world have water over top of the ground(dirt,grass,rock,etc..)
Are u able to enter buildings? if so i can not.
Thats just a few of the things im having trouble with.