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Re: Bugs and Issues (Current Version: 2.8)

Mon Mar 23, 2009 11:04 am
by nautilus
Noticed the same thing.
Also, the duration for self-buffs should go way up imo. To be honest, everyone will always have these spells on, and having to cast them every couple of mins is kind of tedious.
Re: Bugs and Issues (Current Version: 2.8)

Mon Mar 23, 2009 11:15 am
by Karl G.
marzuku wrote:along with the game being very slow.
like nautilus if i spam putesco i get locked, same with mouse.. and other spells.
can you be more specific with these 2?
Re: Bugs and Issues (Current Version: 2.8)

Mon Mar 23, 2009 11:55 am
by marzuku
Karl G. wrote:marzuku wrote:along with the game being very slow.
like nautilus if i spam putesco i get locked, same with mouse.. and other spells.
can you be more specific with these 2?
Well, if i click space(putesco) 3 times inn a row, the character locks for 3 slow putesco's(making me stunned) happens with any spell though, like if i spam telemiterus i also suddenly get stuck while the character does not move at all.
Still wondering about the dmg though

thought i was the one with highest dmg rate on the server and i kill trolls in two putesco
Re: Bugs and Issues (Current Version: 2.8)

Mon Mar 23, 2009 12:04 pm
by Joe M.
Damage is being adjusted: it's hard to find the right balance.
Re: Bugs and Issues (Current Version: 2.8)

Mon Mar 23, 2009 12:18 pm
by marzuku
Joe M. wrote:Damage is being adjusted: it's hard to find the right balance.
yeah i understand, would really like to know how other games balance this out, though many games are insanely unbalanced.
Hope we dont get like a spree of sorcerors.
Re: Bugs and Issues (Current Version: 2.8)

Mon Mar 23, 2009 12:23 pm
by Joe M.
I won't have time to give the list a thorough update for a few days here, but here's what I've heard so far:
* Drop is messed up: Monstrosities and Trolls and Spirits don't drop anything.
* Enchantment effects get messed up when you cast more than one on yourself.
* Problem with spells/abilities freezing up if used repeatedly, or just being slow to cast.
Re: Bugs and Issues (Current Version: 2.8)

Mon Mar 23, 2009 12:39 pm
by marzuku
Joe M. wrote:I won't have time to give the list a thorough update for a few days here, but here's what I've heard so far:
* Drop is messed up: Monstrosities and Trolls don't drop anything.
* Enchantment effects get messed up when you cast more than one on yourself.
* Problem with spells/abilities freezing up if used repeatedly, or just being slow to cast.
spirits dont drop poo either
Re: Bugs and Issues (Current Version: 2.9)

Mon Mar 23, 2009 9:30 pm
by Joe M.
* Inconsistent item-name capitalization. I know it's not a big deal at all, but it still bugs the heck out of me when I look at my inventory and see "aurelian corona" next to "Aurelian Sword."
* There seems to be some problem with duping in storage, perhaps related to the update process: at last update Marzuku had a Spirit Sword in storage and then had two; this update seems to have duped an Aurelian Sword for me (and maybe an Aurelian Mace as well).
* Clearing out my key-bindings, for one spell I had to try three times--the first two times when I right-clicked and pressed DEL the key was not un-bound, but rather re-bound, first to SEMICOLON and then to APOSTROPHE. Haven't tested this any to see if it's a particular spell or whatever, but wanted to make note of it.
Re: Bugs and Issues (Current Version: 2.9)

Tue Mar 24, 2009 4:57 am
by marzuku
Well i have a more specific explanation of this bug.
Well some of you have probably noticed, that if you press putesco in a spam manner, you will get locked in a position where you are inn the hands of monsters.
Think it is because the game thinks it "HAS" to complete your cast sequence before going on to other actions, so if karl reads this, he should make it so that spells override eachother, so that if you are f.ex doing ignis multi you can Trans in the middle of the spell to another position and the ignis will cease to be casting, this is an important aspect of the "Fast pace pvp" which Ej had.
Also, make it so that when you whirlwind and spam the button you reWW within a certain amount if time not surpassing seconds though.
BUT if you are to use a green pot while spinning a green pot will have global cooldown for about 1 second since you (just swallowed a whole bottle of green liquid)
These are things you can work on later on when the slaughter begins.
BTW What captures the most players of mmo's are the Huge weapons and Shiny awsome armors, we all know that if there werent any weapons around we would all just play along with our own pogo stick, so just make that happen some where in between Alpha Beta and so on.
Re: Bugs and Issues (Current Version: 2.9)

Tue Mar 24, 2009 6:04 am
by Karl G.
Ok, I think the problem is that I'm only using two timers at the moment. With more feedback as we move toward beta, I'll be able to redesign the feel a bit more easily.
* Inconsistent item-name capitalization
Yeah, that's my bad >.< I was going to caps all Aurelian stuff, then I got distracted. I don't know if I like it capitalized anyway.
* There seems to be some problem with duping in storage, perhaps related to the update process: at last update Marzuku had a Spirit Sword in storage and then had two; this update seems to have duped an Aurelian Sword for me (and maybe an Aurelian Mace as well).
Is this just during updates, or are you able to actively dupe an item? It's really unlikely that an item could be duped in storage because they all have unique identifiers. If an item were to duplicate, the database would reject it.
* Clearing out my key-bindings, for one spell I had to try three times--the first two times when I right-clicked and pressed DEL the key was not un-bound, but rather re-bound, first to SEMICOLON and then to APOSTROPHE. Haven't tested this any to see if it's a particular spell or whatever, but wanted to make note of it.
OK, so I guess key bindings are still a little mucked up. I'll look into it.
Re: Bugs and Issues (Current Version: 2.9)

Tue Mar 24, 2009 10:04 am
by Joe M.
I really have no idea how the duping happened, nor how it could be replicated. It could of course be an oversight on our part--not realizing we had multiples of an item--but I wanted to mention it just in case anybody else had seen it or we see it again. Probably nothing to worry about until we see more of it.
As for the key-binding, I'll mess with it some more, but it's worked very well except for that one error: you can probably leave it alone till later if you've got more pressing things to take care of.
Re: Bugs and Issues (Current Version: 2.9)

Tue Mar 24, 2009 8:33 pm
by Joe M.
* Name display back to the bottom of the screen plz.
* EXP adjustment.
* Scrolling in the chat log.
Re: Bugs and Issues (Current Version: 2.9)

Wed Mar 25, 2009 7:55 am
by Karl G.
Noted. Also one more for ya:
* Sometimes characters aren't saved correctly when the server reboots
Re: Bugs and Issues (Current Version: 2.9)

Fri Mar 27, 2009 12:55 am
by Joe M.
Three pictures.
Lame juvenile humor:
karl has a woody.png
A bug that I've been seeing for a while but never before been able to catch w/ a screenshot: sometimes when I'm transing a lot and casting a lot of Multi Ignis, I'll fire an M.I. and each fireball will be accompanied by the trans animation flashing around it. It looks really cool (this isn't the best shot), but I'm sure you'll want to figure out what's up, Karl.
MI + trans effect bug.png
Sometimes if I'm standing too close to a monster (it spawns on top of me, I trans into it, I'm not certain if you can get this close running), the spells I fire at it will go right through. Also, I would like to note that this game is starting to look pretty kick-bum (except, of course, for those monster-gloves

shooting through a skeleton.png
Re: Bugs and Issues (Current Version: 2.9)

Fri Mar 27, 2009 1:51 am
by marzuku
karl has a woody.png
1.The Textures of aurelian shield remind me of somewhat of roman shield, and then the plate goes all PJ's, should be looking more like this(and lol i realize the picture is damn funny), what happened with the armors the modelers created, the maces etc, just pm them
2.I thought that Fireball Trans poo was awsome, started thinking it was a critical hit or something
MI + trans effect bug.png
3.Anyway ignis multi surpasses putesco and vis putesco in damage, which is lame cause putesco used to kill a spirit in like 3 casts(though i realize you are having tiny problems with balance in damage)

Re: Bugs and Issues (Current Version: 2.9)

Sun Mar 29, 2009 9:20 pm
by Vapore
Joe M. wrote:Three pictures.
Lame juvenile humor:
karl has a woody.png
A bug that I've been seeing for a while but never before been able to catch w/ a screenshot: sometimes when I'm transing a lot and casting a lot of Multi Ignis, I'll fire an M.I. and each fireball will be accompanied by the trans animation flashing around it. It looks really cool (this isn't the best shot), but I'm sure you'll want to figure out what's up, Karl.
MI + trans effect bug.png
Sometimes if I'm standing too close to a monster (it spawns on top of me, I trans into it, I'm not certain if you can get this close running), the spells I fire at it will go right through. Also, I would like to note that this game is starting to look pretty kick-bum (except, of course, for those monster-gloves

shooting through a skeleton.png
Anything we can do on our side to fix why it looks like that?
Re: Bugs and Issues (Current Version: 2.9)

Wed Apr 01, 2009 12:01 am
by Joe M.
Vapore: I don't think so.
Finally updated this. Will keep it more up-to-date in the future. I want to have it ready for 2.10. I cleaned out a lot of the old bugs about which I wasn't sure if they were still around. Updated with other stuff, including (but not limited to):
* Possible duping bug related to storage.
* Knights' velo spell still lasts only a very very short time.
* WIS doesn't seem to affect the strength of defensive spells: I get +15 defense on both my casters, one with a 17 WIS, the other with a 26.
I think there are a couple more which I've noticed, but those are the only ones I can bring to mind at the moment.
Re: Bugs and Issues (Current Version: 2.9)

Wed Apr 01, 2009 7:21 am
by marzuku
Remember when players would get stuck casting a spell while spamming the button? well it is back, once again remove it so it does not do a cast sequence and stops when you stop pressing or else we will be stunned in a position for the remain of the casts you did.
Also game is abit laggy atm, might the server be quitting on us now that higher amounts of players are online?
Re: Bugs and Issues (Current Version: 2.9)

Wed Apr 01, 2009 8:02 am
by kinral
Hmm, my sword did a Houdini on me last night. What caused your weapon to disappear Marzuku? I cast "Strengthen own Attack" on my little Knight.
Re: Bugs and Issues (Current Version: 2.9)

Wed Apr 01, 2009 8:14 am
by marzuku
kinral wrote:Hmm, my sword did a Houdini on me last night. What caused your weapon to disappear Marzuku? I cast "Strengthen own Attack" on my little Knight.
i was just walking about and was going to go lvl carnage with the spirit sword and it disappeared, got it back along with alot of other things.

Re: Bugs and Issues (Current Version: 2.9)

Wed Apr 01, 2009 4:13 pm
by Joe M.
Added an issue (relative EXP of monsters is messed up), and started a new thread for 2.10. Locking this one.