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Things i've found from monsters

PostPosted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 3:06 am
by ascent
i'm here to list the rare items i've gotten from monsters

Twisted Crawlers: Russet Corona

Troll/RedTroll: none

Apprenitces/Novices:Bone Aegis Aurelian Breastplate Argent Targe Argent Dagger

Monstrositys: Bejeweled ring

will update as i find more

Re: Things i've found from monsters

PostPosted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 11:39 am
by Burnt Ferret
Twisted Crawlers: Shrubbery! though not very rare, i think it's rare for them!

Troll/RedTroll: none

Apprenitces/Novices:Aurelian Breastplate, Argent Dagger, Argent Aegis, Aurelian Cloak, Russet Corona, Russet Belt

Monstrositys: Bejeweled ring

Experts: Aurelian Sword, Aurelian Boots, Argent Gauntlets?, Russet Aegis,

will update as i find more