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LMAO, I pissed off EJ! hehe

Wed Jun 20, 2007 1:00 am
by ziggman
i really enjoy xenimus, but your relctuance to help Anyone who is under lvl 50 is appaling!! your customer service is NON-EXISTANT! you need more people helping to moderat your game, or have a board where everyone can see your acctually participaing in active converstion. sending countless emails to you with no response is a blatant insult.
again i HIGHLY doubt you really do care about my circumstances that lead to me losing 4 years worth of gear. i have been playing xenimus for over 4 years. wayyy back before oreseth ds. before the 1st omni wipe. altho i had no strong chars back then i was still paying and playing at my liesure. You dont seem to understand i feel im one of the Few good honest player left on the game. you dont seem to care.
and you really wonder why ppl cheat and dupe??
Its fast, easy, and you dont do anything about it.
i will be devoting myself fully to project volucris
i really hope you reply with some type of response still.
but then again i also HIGLY doubt you read all your emails.
I would Continue to play, but losing 40+ vt obliterated my will to play.
-David Devine-
EJ replies
>Then quit, I get 120 e-mails a day and I don't have time to help every single person. If
>you can't deal with it then you should for sure quite. The level of a player has
>absolutely nothing to do with whether or not they get help in the game. And your
>accusation that I would help people only above a certain level is insulting and stupid.
I Reply
sorry if i assume too much, i sent you more than 20 emails over the course of 2 weeks after my account was accessed without my permission and all of my gear stolen. i did NOT revieve ANY TYPE of response untill i told you someone might be duping, even then you offer no help in anyway! I understand just you doing it is exhausting and time consuming... i do believe i gave more than enuf time for you to help me, aprox 1 month, and you choose to not help... or even tell me you wont help.
the level thing is only an assumption i have never heard of you helping anyone get gear back besides high level people with high level gear. If you do help mid-level people thats my bad, and i appoligize. you really should lookin into having more people answer emails and moderate things...
I Reply again same day
Im jus really really upset and frustrated! i sent you SEVERAL emails the DAY i couldnt log on! when i saw my Dirus sword, along with my other gear in cons. and now because of your lack action, (what ever u wanna call it) the gear has been traded off, traded down, or lost, and I assume you Will not do anything anymore, because my gear is no longer there does that truly make it my fault somehow!?
I do wish to keep playing, but only if i get most/all my stolen gear back. this is so dumb it has come to such a bitter argument...
Ej Replies
Yes, it is your fault.
I reply
I'm done arguing over this, Im moving on to different games, best wishes to you, your family, and xen.

Wed Jun 20, 2007 9:00 am
by JSunJShineR
i know what you mean infact someone had accessed my account without permission and they stole my dls/d wand/o helm/shield/hammer/m blade/3 robes/sp leather/plate, and various lowbie items... so i emailed him around 20 times also, he replyed to me saying that he does not help people in the game at all, unless u have proof that someone got into your account. I told him that all my poo is missing and my char is deleved and my stats/skills r fucked. he siad I need a video or something like that... like I have a fuckign video of someone hacking into my account and fuckign it up... lmao ej is so fuckign retarded. Thats why PV is gonna be sweet all the faults of EJ are being recognized and being improved to make a much more liked game=)

Wed Jun 20, 2007 11:40 am
by ziggman
yea i cant wait for a beta version of pv! EJ is just dumb straight up! he needs to understand having a bit too much gear in game does not spoil it, Ej seems more concernd with adding -dumdance features, then helping his CUSTOMERS! I work in retail and keeping a customer coming back is the TOP priority to making your buissness grow. EJ cannot wrap his mind around this concept for some reason or another. and Thus the down fall of xenimus is emeinet.
imma go take some pitcures for skinning! got some nice flowers blooming atm. i want textrues to be nicer than xeimus.

Wed Jun 20, 2007 1:23 pm
by lawn gnome
EJ is a bastard and i hope he dies...but i hope xenimus keeps running lol

Sun Jun 24, 2007 3:28 pm
by Charles Babbage
TL,DR version at bottom...
So, just out of curiosity, why do you take any pride in this?
EJ is an independent game developer, and while he may not have the best product out there, he still works pretty hard on it. If you imagine that making all of the content, coding, and then handling the business of Xenimus is a trivial task, then you are sorely mistaken.
What incentive does he have to fix things when many of his community complain openly about his game? Xen probably isn't his main source of income, and I would venture that he keeps it running more as a side project to tinker with and out of a slight feeling of debt to the people who play it. He could just auction off the equipment, IP, and bandwidth, and save himself the trouble of dealing with hateful e-mails.
Think about it: if he receives a hundred or even fifty e-mails a day, all of which are complaining about his 'dumb straight up' methods, how much time is wasted? He works through them, and when the time comes to actually start coding again, do you think he's in any mood to fix things? Especially when any fixes will just spawn more of the same softheaded correspondence?
I wonder how many people enjoy Xen for each one that complains about it. Think on that. Even if it is a flawed game design, have some bloody respect for a person who spent at least four or five years making and maintaining a game instead of playing it.
I'm talking to you, high-pitched prepubescent trolls.
I'm talking to you, neckbeards.
I'm talking to you, idiots whose grasp of game development is only surpassed by their grasp of good written English.
Yes, even as you hammer away in anger with orange-stained fingers at a keyboard, creating a foul cloud of invective matched only by the Cheeto dust stirred up due to your frantic typing, I sit here behind my terminal and shake my head.
You are a bunch of fools. It is easy to detract, to critique another's work... what do you have to offer? What have you done that gives you the right to make fun of someone else's efforts, however flawed?
(at least I notice ziggman is making some efforts to get better textures)
I am a game developer. I keep to myself, and mostly do not comment on other's works, simply because I too am in the same position. But, when I do, I ask instead of yell, and I take inspiration and ideas, instead of spouting off smug rubbish and wasting e-mail inbox space. But, the increasingly hostile attitude taken on these boards towards Xenimus is getting out of hand. It is one thing to disagree with EJ, another quite entirely to cheerfully harass him...
...and then crow about your success here on the PV boards!
I've known the Unseen Studios team for a long time. My old account on these forums seems to have disappeared after PV was begun. I've been watching, though, and I would caution you all that Karl is at the very least as strong-willed as EJ. If you continue this sophomoric douchebaggery and believe it will influence PV upon its completion, you are sorely mistaken.
Have some respect, children.
TL,DR version:
plz b nice 2 evry1 who r devs, j00 stup1d n00bs.

Tue Jun 26, 2007 3:23 am
by ziggman
i wouldnt have gotten upset at ej, if he would have only helped me, or even replied to my 1st email i sent! i lost 4 years worth of gear to somone and he does nothing! he did not even write a reply saying that he could not /would not help me. he just ignored me.
i understand he is busy and this game is not his life. but EJ does need to understand that he is running a business with customers, and needs to provide some type of customer service if he expects his business to grow. if u walked in to wal-mart and no one said anything to you the whole time u were there, even when u asked somone a question, how often would u go back? altho ej claims he does not play favorites im 100% sure he does. i emailed 10+ times to restore my old account... my emails went unchecked, unreplied, ignored. i talked to somone ingame i forget who he was, he emailed ej, Next day my account was back!
im sure if somone like Neorift lost all his gear ej would get it back for him NO Problems!
i Finnaly state that i am Quitting xen because he wont do anyting or even reply. this is the only time ej replied about my stolen gear!
This is the only thing i have to complain about xen. Ej has done well in creating a game i did have respect for him and his game, till i get ignored time and time again.
btw i hate cheetoes =P

Tue Jun 26, 2007 10:59 pm
by 9sam1
if its so damn hard for him to maintain this game on his own... then why not get some other people to fucking help him? He is retarded, he wouldnt even need to pay, id read through all his emails for a spirit leather lol.

Wed Jun 27, 2007 6:33 am
by shadowni
I also agree. I spent 30$ on account time the other day, and now I'm looking to sell my account. My friend is doing it for me since he is the one with the secret word. (He created acct and gave to me.. but forgot to give me the sw.) So I agreed to return the account in return for about 20$ of the profit.
I'm going to use that to donate to Helbreath, so I can finally fucking own on that game. If you guys need a game to play while waiting for PV, this is the one. Myself, my friend (Aluminence, Greedy Man) play that game.

Wed Jun 27, 2007 12:08 pm
by 9sam1
hellbreath? whats that like?

Mon Jul 02, 2007 9:12 pm
by shadowni
9sam1 wrote:hellbreath? whats that like?
It's a pretty fun game. It's kinda like Xenimus actually, but with some better graphics. =] is the main site and the server I play on is

Wed Aug 15, 2007 10:20 pm
by Red Tail
Wow, that is the first time I have EVER heard someone defend EJ. Not smart. You are trying to get people not to like you if you do that.
I've heard of EJ not replying so many times, I've emailed him too and he doesn't reply. Its incredibly frustrating and it seems like all he wants to do is make the game "look" better but not play better. That and make money, lots of it and not care. He does indeed need to figure out that he now needs Customer Service, the game HAS gotten that big. Xencon....mmmmmmmmmmm, good one.

Thu Aug 23, 2007 7:47 am
by addit
I know this doesn't quite compare but I found the first diabolic mace in xenimus (i'm pretty sure it was the first diabolic item). Anyho, I was ecstatic as i'm one of those guys who have been playing for ages (was around lv30 at the time) and never found anything, EVER. Then a day later EJ reset the servers because of "duping" or something. I first wrote him one e-mail and them countless more. The thing which got to me is that he didn't even respond, not even a word. If he wanted proof he could have asked I had screenshots but I suppose he doesn't trust those. Well that and a couple of other incidents made me leave xen for good. Just my little rant...

Fri Nov 09, 2007 6:06 am
by daekighn
Well i cant play this game cuz i have to pay for it so tough luck on that game

. Any1 wanna lend me a acc? If so ill play,if not dont worry bout it.. Im 13 yrs old, don't have a cc neither do my parents.

Fri Nov 09, 2007 7:34 pm
by a_link_to_the_past
you actually don't need a credit card to purchase account time for Xenimus... You can mail EJ a check and a note describing the account you wish to place time on... I've done it a couple times when I didn't have a debit card... it may take a few for the time to get put on the account but it is the alternative to a credit card purchase.

Sat Nov 10, 2007 11:44 pm
by ziggman
i have sent ej cash, it takes about a week.

Sun Nov 11, 2007 2:06 am
by daekighn
Im 13 years old... i have no checks lmao!

Mon Nov 12, 2007 7:56 am
by a_link_to_the_past
But pretty sure your parents aren't 13 years old... and I would think that your parents would write a check if you ask them nicely
@ Zigg - emm usually it depends on the day you mail off the money... it usually only took about 2 - 3 days for the money to make it to him... and it generally only took him about 1 - 2 days to put time on my account... maybe I was just lucky who knows..
I would probably still play Xenimus... its not too bad of a game if you don't mind vicious repetition.... but I work the night shift at Wal-Mart (lame) and what time isn't spend sleeping I spend it with my girlfriend.... and I would much rather spend time with her than on Xenimus.

Wed Nov 14, 2007 8:34 am
by daekighn
BUT my parents have no checks or anything so i have nothing.... oh well i found a different game that i like to play. Its called Archlord

Fri Nov 16, 2007 12:28 am
by ziggman
Kid.... READ.... YOU CAN SEND EJ CASH (usa currency)