
Seeing as this is a brand new game, I see no reason why we should keep the races the same as xen or even similar to other games out there at the moment. What I think would be far more cool is to design unique races with different cultures and their own place in the Evidyon world. Like, at the minute I've sketched out five races for the game, each based roughly on one of the primary stats. One's, obviously, human but the other four are brand new ones with their own cultures and different geographical bases in the world. I think this'd give Evidyon a much more "our game" feeling and also help to distance it from the standard fantasy characters that populate games nowadays. The races would all have distinct differences but would all be able to access any class, develop however the player wanted them to and allow as much customisation as possible. I think this'd make the game more fun and far more unique.
What do you guys think?
What do you guys think?