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Fri Mar 16, 2007 12:23 pm
by Ender
Some of us might remember how chests used to be the main way of acquiring awesome gear.
Then EJ nerfed them, and they became useless, until he added the mystic chests and later "pulls".
I don't think we want to go back to the days where chests completely drove the xen economy, but I think we should at least make them useful.
How about having chests spawn pots? The occasional sucky item would be fine, but seriously, the days of finding just 2 clubs, a throwing star, and a dagger in every lvl 18 chest need to stop. Getting a few meds/trans/maxies/etc. would actually be useful, especially at lower levels.
In addition to having chests spawn pots, we can also have the usual pulls. Personally, I'm against the idea of pulls, but I realize not everyone is going to feel that way.

Fri Mar 16, 2007 6:10 pm
by Liberate My Madness
Yeah, I remember finding a bag on a level 2 newb in a wooden chest WAY back when mystic was the best gear out, and you dropped all your gear when you died. How are you going to find a bag nowadays on a level that low? You're not... plain and simple.. you would be hard pressed to find many bags at wizzies. I personally like the idea of useful chests as well Ender, and I think it would be a great idea to implement in the game. I'm all for it, and I'm sure most others would be as well. Great idea.

Fri Mar 16, 2007 6:41 pm
by Karl G.
Sounds good to me!

Sat Mar 17, 2007 12:30 am
by thadiusofx3
They should also drop gold, as should npc's (and not 1 gold like ej lol)

Tue May 22, 2007 4:39 pm
by a_link_to_the_past
I believe I made a comment about chests in a different topic but I will repeat my opinion here. I would really like to see useful chests, I am not an old school player, but nor am I a newb to the game either. The idea of chest pulls is alright, I would like to see chests become more useful... Picking up pots, magic bags, and other things of the sort wouldn't be a bad thing... I also think that if a chest is in a very difficult area to get to (difficult enemies and or bosses) I think the chest should either put forth better items depending on the difficulty. I think this would increase the amount of exploration instead of the repedative leveling

Mon Jul 16, 2007 8:53 pm
by Paz the Spaz
I agree. There should be fewer chests and those should be slightly harder, like at the end of a dungeon or in a secret room. When you pull from a chest you should get an item suitable for your level. Say you were level 20, then the chest would give an item that may have a requirement for level 20-25. What I'm sick of is the amazing xenimus chest pulls, e.i. an adept ring while others get a mystic sword. Chest pulls should be somewhat balanced and have a fair less random level range. I don't like everything to be a gamble.

Tue Jul 17, 2007 12:24 am
by thadiusofx3
Welcome paz, good first post!
Heres another idea. Lower level chests cannot be opened by higher levels.
Keep the current wooden, metal, and mystic chests, and have each one have a level limit (except mystic).
Have there be just a few of these, and when you pull one you get something suited to your level and class.

Tue Jul 17, 2007 11:08 am
by Vitriol
thadiusofx3 wrote:They should also drop gold, as should npc's (and not 1 gold like ej lol)
I have to agree with the whole topic here. Chests should by and large drop gold, potions, scrolls, etc. With the occasional USEFUL item. Perhaps 1/20 chest opens should give an item useful for that character at that level.
but thadius, monsters in xenimus have dropped decent amounts of gold for some time now. I routinely kill imps that drop 10 silver or more. (1k old gold)
However, the Thief subclass (not the archer but the thief) should definatly get some sort of bonus.

Tue Jul 17, 2007 12:15 pm
by thadiusofx3
yes, good idea on the thief thing!