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About you

Wed Sep 24, 2008 4:20 pm
by ascent
well, lets introduce ourselves
Name: Matt
Age: 20
location: Minnesota USA
Ingame name(s): Cobralyn, Ascent, Matt, and multiple others i'll keep hidden
Xen names: Atmisphere, Cobralyn, Ascent(not the mage, the barb from years ago)
previous gaming history: Xenimus (closing in on 10 years w00t) Wow (6 months) Flyff (2 weeks) Gunz (2 years) Perfect World (6 months so far) Shaiya (6 months so far) and multiple others, i seek out games to test and cheat in <.<
About you: well i like snowboarding, biking, computers, and working (no clue why)
Re: About you

Thu Sep 25, 2008 1:07 pm
by daekighn
Ok lets see
Name: Casey
Age: 14(15 in january)
Location: Georgia, USA
Ingame Name(s):Norsace, Lonya, St Deliah
Xen names(s):Leuitenant Zed, Mc Grady
Previous Gaming History:Xenimus(since i was like 6-7 years old), WoW(4months), Counter Strike:Condition Zero(forever, cal-m =) ).
About me:I love gaming, pretty much all i do everyday(until i go back to school in a month or two). Umm, im planning on going to the gym 3 times a week to workout(im a fatass atm lol, 183 pounds).
Re: About you

Thu Oct 09, 2008 9:20 am
by prehistoric
Name: Not necessary
Age: not necessary
Location: not necessary
Ingame Name(s):all will be deleted so names dont matter.
Xen names(s): not necessary
Previous Gaming History:xenimus, doom 1 + 2, tetris, bubble bobble, Joust, battle toads, double dragon, castlevania, megeman, arkanoid, oregon trail...i can go forever.
About me:I'm testing evidyon.
Re: About you

Thu Oct 09, 2008 6:35 pm
by ascent
mkay prehistoric, this is a post to get to knwo your fellow alphatesters not to up your post count, so either respond correctly or dont post at all
Re: About you

Thu Oct 09, 2008 7:48 pm
by deathstalker
ok im 38 years old
and i will be playing deathstalker which is who i play
now but i will try to remake him after reset.
i am from georgia and live in a little town
on the north carolina border in the mountains.
well guess that is about it.
Re: About you

Fri Oct 10, 2008 10:21 am
by Sankt Pauli
Lulz, a'ight.
Name: Nick
Age: 27
Location: A small bit south of hamburg, northern germany
Previous Games: Uhwell...i started 21 years ago with a commodore 64/master system, let's leave it at that.
Re: About you

Wed Oct 15, 2008 7:25 pm
by a_link_to_the_past
Name: Logan
Age: 21
Xen characters: Xaria, Darth Siddeous (Original, I gave acc to friend and he later sold).
Previous Gaming History: I was raised on NES and climbed the Nintendo evolutionary chain..
About Me: I draw, paint, do photography...
Re: About you

Thu Oct 16, 2008 9:05 am
by Cagen
Might as well bite.
Name: Ad
Age: 22
Location: York, England
Ingame name(s): Exoteric, Cagen, CrashTest, bunch of others...
Xen names: Exoteric, Bee, Cagen, Steve The Goatass, too many to list...
Previous gaming history: Been playing games my whole life, owned pretty much every console made (and still do), played a lot of MMOs (DAoC being the greatest), ran an end game raiding guild on WoW, possibly the best guild on the server - longest lasting guild on the server and is still going strong without me (something I will never, EVER do again), have taken some game design courses in University.
About you: Gaming is a big hobby of mine, University graduate, Area representative for a dog rescue society specialising in the Akita breed.
Re: About you

Mon Oct 20, 2008 12:45 am
by Draco
Name: Chris
Age: 23
location: California, USA
Ingame name(s): Draconic, Adeptus, Storagus, * click to create character * (list will be fixed later)
Xen names: Draco, Valiant, Xenimus.
Previous gaming history: Starting from as a child, pretty in depth... these are the RPG games I was most interested in.
Dragon Warrior (NES)
Zelda (1 + 3 NES/SNES)
Final Fantasy 2/3 (4/6 in Jap; SNES)
Final Fantasy 7/8 (PS1)
Super Mario RPG (SNES)
Zelda 64 (N64)
Quest 64 (N64)
Valkyrie Profile (PS1)
Star Ocean: The Second Story (PS1)
--- from here it's all PC
Diablo 1998-2000
Graal Online (1999-2007) (I was a staff member of 2 different servers, NPC Development and Events Team)
Xenimus (1999-2008)
Conquer Online
Eudemons Online
Diablo 2 (2002-2008)
Last Chaos (short term)
Rappelz (short term)
World of Warcraft (short term)