Bugs and issues (2.10)

Please keep the feedback coming! I'll update this every time something gets posted. Even if you're only saying "yeah, I saw that too," it helps to get that confirmation.
Alpha 2.10
Alpha 2.10
- Graphical
- Animations sometimes make the character models twist or change size.
- Models are a mess on some computers (seems to be a problem with Vista). Some screenshots here: viewtopic.php?f=23&t=1340&start=15#p8888
- Monster idle animation is extremely slow.
- Multiple spell animations on single cast (seeing teleport animation in addition to multi ignis): viewtopic.php?f=22&t=1341&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=60#p9277
- Name display is buggy. Certain characters won't display a name even though everybody else does. Which characters don't display name changes.
- Plants at edge of water appear underwater.
- Screens and Menus
- Problem with names and deleting: certain names I've used before and since deleted the characters thereof still trigger the "name already in use." This doesn't happen for all names I've created/deleted, but just for a couple ("Lillian," from old acct, may not be deleted; "Mule," from current acct, just deleted last week but can't reuse name).
- Use, Inventory, and Drop menus all share the same scroll position, which can be confusing.
- Clearing out my key-bindings, for one spell I had to try three times--the first two times when I right-clicked and pressed DEL the key was not un-bound, but rather re-bound, first to SEMICOLON and then to APOSTROPHE. Haven't tested this any to see if it's a particular spell or whatever, but wanted to make note of it.
- Is there a problem with duping and storage? We've had several murmurs of such, and I could have sworn I just lost a Bejewled Ring on death (checked inventory several times after hunting around and not finding pile), but after storing and pulling out items on another char, I had 4 again. Fixed for coming update (Apr13)
- Items
- Certain items lacking stats: Bone Gauntlets, ...
- Silver rings stacked (they weren't before, but moving them between characters they became a stack), but whole stack ("2 silver rings") only counting as 1 ring for the purposes of bonuses and wear-limits.
- Items disappearing! Characters have lost individual items as well as entire inventories. Is this an anti-duping mechanism gone wrong, or is it related to the update process? Should be fixed.
- Monsters and NPCs
- Standing too close (I think only possible w/ trans or spawn on top of you) to a monster and spells don't hit it: viewtopic.php?f=22&t=1341&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=60#p9277
- PCs
- The Knight spell Volatus doesn't have any effect.
- The Knight spell Lacertus has no discernible effect.
- Global ('--') chat messed up: if message is too long, extra text retains in chat bar, but with '-', not '--'. Fixed for coming update (Apr13).
- Repeated use of Vortex "jams" character--he'll start to spin, then try to start again before he completes the first attack. Fixed for coming update (Apr13)
- A couple times when I've died, I drop an equipped item *after* I respawn on the square ; I think both times I logged out upon dying to fetch my items with a higher-lvl char, and then when I log back on with the guy who died, he hasn't yet respawned--when he does, he drops on square. Fixed for coming update (Apr13)
- Sometimes characters aren't saved correctly when the server reboots. Fixed for coming update (Apr13)
- Grouping mechanism broken? (i.e., causing server to crash) Fixed for coming update (Apr13)
- Other
- BSOD bug that won't die.
- Bug logs are no longer being created. (?)
- Issues with the installer not properly deleting/overwriting/updating the config file, causing server disconnect: viewtopic.php?f=25&p=9024#p9020
- Vista file-permissions bug.
- Alt+Tab and the sound goes away.
- Bug that certain players have experienced: game breaks upon clicking "enter world": Player hears in-game sounds, but game freezes on the character selection screen. Others in-game see character appear and then quickly disappear. Once or twice I've seen the world for an instant before the game closes itself. Fixed for coming update (Apr13)
- Graphical
- Dropped items are very difficult to see! Monsters fall on top of them, and the grass and trees cover them up. Maybe a glow around items on ground?
- Red Potion effect needs a buff icon.
- Lots of vegetation not kind on old computers. Have heard "unplayable."
- Screens and Menus
- Stats screen does not display race/class; it would also be nice if it displayed regen totals.
- It would be nice if Player were asked to confirm character delete--at the moment it seems dangerously easy to lose all that work on accident.
- Confirm on logout so that Player doesn't accidentally log out while exiting menus.
- Say Again, Change View, Chat Log. These all need to be bindable to keys. Right now the first two are disabled and Chat Log is stuck to 'L'.
- The storage menu doesn't have a close button or any labels (just press escape to close it; yes, this will be fixed.)
- Scrolling in chat log is fuxed.
- Geoling Geonite value display.
- Items
- HP/MP steals.
- Inconsistent item-name capitalization. I know it's not a big deal at all, but it still bugs the heck out of me when I look at my inventory and see "aurelian corona" next to "Aurelian Sword."
- It's difficult to pick items up: you have to click on the exact spot, which can be difficult. Perhaps it could be made less precise, or have an "auto-loot" function, press a key to loot the immediate (small-radius) area?
- Items drag-able in inventory/storage, plz.
- Ability to split stacks, plz
- Consumable stacks: moving to/from storage stacks don't get combined; when using, game pulls from first stack listed in inventory instead of (as would be preferable, for the sake of clean inventories) from stack with least (which should always be last stack listed in inventory once the problem with storage is fixed).
- Monsters and NPCs
- Dragons and Golems lack sound
- More geolings, plz, to prevent crowding.
- PCs
- While attacking, Player cannot cast a spell while weapon is in mid-swing. This makes it difficult as Player has to time his spell casting or move to break out of attack-mode. Spell-casting should break Player out of attack-mode.
- Melee combat: Character's own attacks are paused when he is hit by Monster (not so much a problem for the Sorcerer, but for the Knight this can be annoying)--also prevents the use of special abilities such as Spin. Is this a problem, or just a difficulty that requires some skill on the part of Player?
- Knight spell Fireslash has no description.
- "Inventory Full" message, plz.
- EXP share, plz. Fixed for coming update (Apr13)
- /join has a very low radius, such that I have to attack someone to get close enough to join. Fixed for coming update (Apr13)
- Balancing
- EXP relative to threat of monster is weird: Trolls give >2x than Forest Golems, Golems (esp. water/air) die real easy for the EXP they give
- Vortex radius too large?
- Caster damage seems to be very low, or at least to not change with level/INT. Fixed for coming update (Apr13)
- Other
- Doorway bug: viewtopic.php?f=22&t=1341&start=30#p9070
- Crowded trees make maneuvering difficult, for players but more importantly for monsters, making them ineffective.
- Plants causing too much lag?