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Version 1.5.0 - Released

Sun Aug 31, 2008 9:36 pm
by Karl G.
Ok guys, it's finally out! I'm going to be taking the next few days off to recollect myself so I probably won't release anything new. This one took all weekend to finish and isn't quite as good as I'd like...(just take a look at the but it's almost midnight and I've put in about 14 hours so far >.< of the updates that I can remember off the top of my head:
- Items show up on characters, but they look crappy...sorry
- New item types
- New monster types
- Geosids are gone near spawn point (whoops, forgot to put them back)
- All character models are smaller. Tell me what you think.
- Beam effect types. Check out makrus and putesco.
- More stuff that I can't remember right now
Re: Version 1.5.0 - Released

Sun Aug 31, 2008 9:37 pm
by lawn gnome
is it uploaded?
Re: Version 1.5.0 - Released

Sun Aug 31, 2008 9:41 pm
by lawn gnome
mmmk its working now.
Re: Version 1.5.0 - Released

Sun Aug 31, 2008 10:43 pm
by Sega Rally Pownz
Do you mind uploading this to another server? Having problems downloading from here. Downloading from somewhere else worked last time, so.. please

Re: Version 1.5.0 - Released

Sun Aug 31, 2008 10:59 pm
by lawn gnome
give me a second and ill upload it to my home server (will only be up sometimes because its run off my computer that i use).
k, give it a try.
Re: Version 1.5.0 - Released

Mon Sep 01, 2008 3:53 am
by Delurium II
he wrote it in another post. it was a full item wipe due to the new items would use some of the old items "numbers" or w/e so you could have ended up with some of the new/rare items just by having a club in your inventory.
Re: Version 1.5.0 - Released

Mon Sep 01, 2008 6:09 am
by Karl G.
Yeah, sorry. I wiped all the items.
Re: Version 1.5.0 - Released

Mon Sep 01, 2008 8:39 am
by Delurium II
personally I love having a t-shirt around my mouth

and have a bush as a shield. Its looking good, and I think its a good start for itemization and looks.
On the other hand: Archers on second continent are prob doing arond 2x dmg compared to earlier.
Crystals are gone (this you already know of)
Imo a too high droprate for rings (especially silver ones.)
healing spell is more powerfull = awesome.
some helms seem to float over the head. especially on female gnomes.
genii's went back to old color. intended?
Re: Version 1.5.0 - Released

Mon Sep 01, 2008 8:59 am
by Cagen
The master archers at the graveyard thing below the spawn probably shouldn't be there, also the pile up of monsters there makes the game completely unresponsive and impossible to go to.
Character sizes are much better, however now the items are now over sized, helms especially haha.
Re: Version 1.5.0 - Released

Mon Sep 01, 2008 9:10 am
by speed3b
Re: Version 1.5.0 - Released

Mon Sep 01, 2008 11:00 am
by Karl G.
I was pretty sick last night/today. I put the update out without really testing it...sorry :/ There's a lot that needs to be fixed, but I won't be able to get to it until wednesday or thursday.
Re: Version 1.5.0 - Released

Mon Sep 01, 2008 6:01 pm
by Joe M.
The masses demand more! Your health! Your life! Your soul!
Seriously though, we're all impatient only because we love the game so much. So thanks for everything.
Re: Version 1.5.0 - Released

Mon Sep 01, 2008 6:09 pm
by 9sam1
Karl when you change items, do you alter monsters drops? Id guess that if you didn't, then monsters would start dropping dif items. I say this only because drops seem different now that you updated.
Re: Version 1.5.0 - Released

Tue Sep 02, 2008 5:00 am
by Delurium II
Sam is right. But that was actually changed later then when 1.5 was released.
When it first came out monsters in continent 2's desert did insane dmg (atleast 2x what they used to, especially archers)
When I logged on atleast 10 hours later, the monsters looked different. They did almost no dmg (except the ones in the labyrinth below startpoint,wich do more dmg then they used to and way more then those in desert on continent 2)
Also: the drops are changed. Continent #2 mobs dropped the "rare" items + rings.
Later on they only dropped the normal gear (all grey on ground) and 0 rings (over atleast 200+ kills)
Thats my note atleast. Havent checked today, so i dunno if its changed again. + I also think the amount of gear (the grey gear that is) that drops is boosted. So they drop like 2-5 items at once.
Re: Version 1.5.0 - Released

Tue Sep 02, 2008 5:46 am
by Karl G.
Delurium II wrote:Sam is right. But that was actually changed later then when 1.5 was released.
When it first came out monsters in continent 2's desert did insane dmg (atleast 2x what they used to, especially archers)
When I logged on atleast 10 hours later, the monsters looked different. They did almost no dmg (except the ones in the labyrinth below startpoint,wich do more dmg then they used to and way more then those in desert on continent 2)
Also: the drops are changed. Continent #2 mobs dropped the "rare" items + rings.
Later on they only dropped the normal gear (all grey on ground) and 0 rings (over atleast 200+ kills)
Thats my note atleast. Havent checked today, so i dunno if its changed again. + I also think the amount of gear (the grey gear that is) that drops is boosted. So they drop like 2-5 items at once.
I'm trying to find a balance. It's hard to gauge how difficult the monsters are relative to their strength.
Re: Version 1.5.0 - Released

Tue Sep 02, 2008 9:15 am
by Sankt Pauli
Overall atm the hard monsters on the first continent (the greenish ones in the graveyard that barely ever spawn^^) are the highest hunt-able monsters.
I think they could be hunted from mid tens on (~lvl12-15). The noob ranks on the second continent are slightly easier. And as mentioned the regular second continent mobs couldn't be hunted even with a level30 adept. :p
Maybe that helps you a bit with directions. :J
Re: Version 1.5.0 - Released

Tue Sep 02, 2008 10:22 am
by Cagen
The mobs that are impossible are the Gendrin with no prefix to their name (like novice etc.) The archers will pretty much 1 hit anyone, the warriors actually don't even attack you however it takes an incredible amount of damage, compared to anything else, to kill them.
The monstrosities you moved north-west of the character spawn point are also too hard for the exp they yield. No newb character would stand a chance against them, high enough characters have no use for them as they give next to no exp.
Also ran into Gargantua last night, he was 1 hitting me also

Re: Version 1.5.0 - Released

Tue Sep 02, 2008 9:50 pm
by Creeping Death
Lag is bad and my keys dont always respond. May be lag related.
Re: Version 1.5.0 - Released

Wed Sep 03, 2008 6:08 am
by Karl G.
These are actually 2 issues: I'll be looking at them this weekend.
Re: Version 1.5.0 - Released

Wed Sep 03, 2008 9:25 am
by Sankt Pauli
I'm nearly 100% certain it has something to do with mobs being 'loaded' when you approach them.
If you get the lag, wait a few seconds untill its completely gone. Then walk around two or three screens around the position where you got the lag. You should be able to walk around completely smoothly lagfree and you should run into mobs.
I even used this to kinda 'sense' if there are any bigger mobs around. Works good. :p
Re: Version 1.5.0 - Released

Wed Sep 03, 2008 10:33 am
by Karl G.
Sankt Pauli wrote:I'm nearly 100% certain it has something to do with mobs being 'loaded' when you approach them.
If you get the lag, wait a few seconds untill its completely gone. Then walk around two or three screens around the position where you got the lag. You should be able to walk around completely smoothly lagfree and you should run into mobs.
I even used this to kinda 'sense' if there are any bigger mobs around. Works good. :p
That's a VERY helpful comment!! I know exactly where this occurs, and if my hunch is right then this is definitely a place that could be taking up more time than it should.
Re: Version 1.5.0 - Released

Wed Sep 03, 2008 12:55 pm
by daekighn
When should we expect a new update?
Re: Version 1.5.0 - Released

Wed Sep 03, 2008 4:20 pm
by Karl G.
I'll try to get one out by friday evening. I'm back in class now, though so updates will take a little longer as I can't devote 10 hours/day anymore :/
Re: Version 1.5.0 - Released

Wed Sep 03, 2008 6:39 pm
by Slayer666
The download dosent work for me it says
"this application has failed to start because d3xd9_38.dll was not found re-installing this application may fix the problem."
Re: Version 1.5.0 - Released

Wed Sep 03, 2008 6:49 pm
by Serenity
Slayer666 wrote:The download dosent work for me it says
"this application has failed to start because d3xd9_38.dll was not found re-installing this application may fix the problem."
Run the directX setup.