hey team

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Moderators: Joe M., Karl G.

hey team

Postby Simpo » Sun Aug 19, 2007 7:11 pm

just wondering, how far off are you guys from releasing the beta**?
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Postby 9sam1 » Sun Aug 19, 2007 10:21 pm

probobly awhile.

pre alpha came out weeks ago thogh so who knows :O
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Postby Karl G. » Sat Aug 25, 2007 2:14 pm

So here's the deal--I'm back in school now and I'm taking a really heavy set of courses (3 classes that have labs which meet each week) so I'm in class > 30 hours/week, then I've got homework, a job, I'm doing research and I'm directing the Rocky Horror Picture Show. There's not that much left to get done (I've been working on the new resource code for a while now) but I've just got so much on my plate that its hard for me to even check my email every other day, much less sit down at the computer for 5+ hours at a time like over the summer. So things might lull for a while--but never fear, I won't let this project die!
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Karl G.
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