Karl G. wrote:Yeah, this happens because each spawn point is limited to spawning a single monster until that monster is killed. If the monster runs off, well...the spawn point is locked out.
Oh and this is the only screenshot I could find of MM3 (on the -> controlling the barbs:P)
http://www.unseenstudios.com/temp/xensh ... arians.jpg
Ghad the good times searching for that shiny white arrow and all the Good people who followed with it, and then slaughtering them
What caught me about Xenimus was that you could choose like real life to be evil or not, and there was consequences to your actions, like f. ex i killed tons of noobs, and their mains came after us, what ruined it was that Ej himself thought i was harming the Xen environment and people would quit cause of my unstoppable killing spree.
Also the fast pace pvp system was unlike any other and it's still the best pvp system i ever have played and i've downloaded about 70 mmo's and bought mmo's just to find something similar, and the secret was "Simplicity" if you made the game fool proof but hard to develop skill inn it would make it a hit.
Xenimus was underpromoted and underground and that is what caused it to fade in the distance, Runescape has even worse pvp and worse graphics and just cause they had tons of players who played free and promoted it to their friends the game developed into the most played free online game.
WoW is such a hit cause they have the same simplicity, from diablo mixxed with better graphics and more.
Though Xen was fool proof but hard to get good at, wow has the failure of consequences and that it is pretty much retarded proof(meaning any1 can play it and get good)
im going to keep playing Evidyon and testing it and submitting suggestions until we have resurrected what was lost.