new update

Fri Oct 31, 2008 1:12 pm
by deathstalker
did i see where the new update is coming out either sunday or sunday night.
this will be great. now this update will be the1 that whipes all the chars and items
right. well i can hardly wait for it.seeing how i have all but retired from xenimus.
well gl everyone and hope to c yall in the game.
Re: new update

Fri Oct 31, 2008 2:05 pm
by Karl G.
I should probably make an announcement about this. The plan was to introduce geosids/genite/bazaar for 1.10 and do a content update for 1.11...and as you can tell, that hasn't happened. 1.11 will not wipe all items, because I want players to wreck havoc with the bazaar and try to hack/break the item system. I've recoded it so that duping should be impossible no matter what you do.
I'd *REALLY* like to add the geosid system, item special powers, consumables, player-to-player trading and a party system before the big wipe. Depending on how hard-core I get about coding this weekend, all of that stuff is on the menu for Sunday. Wish me luck!
Re: new update

Fri Oct 31, 2008 5:11 pm
by Tyler
Sounds great man and good luck cant wait to see it
Re: new update

Sat Nov 01, 2008 7:42 pm
by deathstalker
you go boy lol.
all this sounds awesome as h--l now i
really cant wait till new update go go go lol.
keep up the good work and thank you for responding