Vista buggery

-My hair is floating above my head like a toupee
-I am picking up items that appear to be wands of starlight and lionheart breastplates off of crawler mobs, but they are just bucklers and mundane newbie items to other players. I do not gain the stats of the apparent (to me) item, but rather the actual (to non-vista users) stats. The image when dropped coincides with the item the non-vista users see.
More bugs when I find them...
-I am picking up items that appear to be wands of starlight and lionheart breastplates off of crawler mobs, but they are just bucklers and mundane newbie items to other players. I do not gain the stats of the apparent (to me) item, but rather the actual (to non-vista users) stats. The image when dropped coincides with the item the non-vista users see.
More bugs when I find them...