
I was wondering what the storyling would be for this game.
I wrote this out of boredom, but I figure it could be the start of something for this game.
Being that this game will have the same concepts, ideas, etc. but at the same time be different, a "new world", new continent, unknown to the land of Xenimus would be a good explanation.
Here's that story I wrote out of boredom.
Chapter 1-- Shipwrecked.
Sam woke to the sound of the ocean waves gently pushing up the shore. Off in the distance he heard a hawk echoing through the trees as he reached out his hand and grasped wet sand. His conciousness had not yet fully returned, for he had not realized the gravity of the situation. A rogue wave ventured up the bank to his feet, awakening him abrubtly.
"Where am I?!" Sam panicked as he lept up. The sun was near zeenith and he could tell it was late morning. The smell of various trees and vegetation was not familliar to him after such a long voyage at sea.
"I'm on land... but where's my ship? What happend? Where is everyone?" he thought, frustrated at his own memory. He took a few stumbles forward trying to both regain his land legs and balance at the same time. Leaning on the bark of a moderate tree he examined his location.
The forest was full of tall, scattered, light brown trees he'd never seen before. Some scattered conifers offered some peace of familliarity to him, however, remembering the fast forests of evergreens at his home town of Palus. Nearby he saw a bush full of berries.
"I almost forgot about food... i've been ignoring my stomach."
Walking towards the bush he heard a sound nearby. Footsteps rustled through dried leaves and a faint gruff could be heard. Sam, unarmed, stepped back to his covert and began to watch.
The waves vehemoutly pushed up the sand as though anticipating an unwelcomed presence. Sam caught eye of the gross figure. A troll of some sort was languidly walking to the water to get a drink. Nothing good could come of trolls, and Sam planned his moment of attack.
Placing its club on the shore, the troll bent down, and with a dull expression stared at the water as though his own reflection were a spectral mystery. Sam crept slowly behind him and bent down to grab the club. A sudden wave startled the dumbfounded troll, and as he jumped he saw his assailant.
Sam jumped for the club before the troll could react. The troll had a hard time following his moves, as though it could only render one thing at a time and the absence of his club was too much to handle.
A sharp kick in the face dropped it to the ground with a splash of blood. The grunt of the creature almost found sympathy in Sam's heart, but he know the creature knew no emotion. Grasping the club one final bludgeon to the head finished his task. The lifeless corpse lay with an imploded skull on the now bloodied beach.
Used to such encounters in the forests of Palus, such an attack did not phase Sam. He abandoned the club and walked towards the bush again.
"Time to eat," he said to himself "then i'll find out where the hell I am..."
Chapter 2-- Velanthra
Through the dark forest Krin sprinted, stumbling over every pine cone or tree root. Sweet poured down her blood-stained face and her tattered shirt tore off on every nearby trunk. Her dark brown hair was now crimson from flood. Everything was against her: the bitter night, the savage darkness, and the endurance of her assailant. A roar burst out from behind her frightening the birds of every nearby tree.
"It's gaining on me! What will I do! I can't keep this pace up forever." she thought.
The daemon thrusted toward her galloping on all fours, its face filled with anticipation of food. Each footstep shook the ground with its tremendous weight--- Forged from the cauldron of Velanthra herself, the daemon had no mercy. It had come that night from out of nowhere. Krin's father heard something in the barn and went outside to check for wolves. Within seconds all Krin heard was screams. The rest was a blurr. One by one her family members were slaughtered in a matter of seconds.
Krin jumped beind a nearby tree to gain some time and confuse the beast.
"Velocitas!" she screamed with a cracking voice, crossing her hands on her chest. A blue aura swirled around her making her cramped legs rejuvinate their haste. The Daemon saw this but luckily its bulk prevented any elaborate reaction. It swurved towards her bashing into a small Elm tree sending splinters everywhere. It let out a moan, not for pain, but for the frustration of being a few feet farther away from his food. A small fire in the distance caught Krin's eye. As relentless as this chase had been she had no time to stop and think. Pushing off the tree she darted towards the yellow spec hoping to find a savior.
"Jeloc help me...." she gasped
Sam awoke from his slumber by a roar in the distance. Jumping to his feet he glanced around. He thought he could hear the faint echo of a woman. He reached to his belt for his pouch--- the only thing not claimed by the sea. Inside were some crumbs of bread under three milky pearls. He grabbed one and clasped it in his had until it cracked revealing unimaginable light from inside. Holding this orb out in his left hand he looked in the direction of the noise. Suddenly he heard thuds and felt the ground rumble.
"Help me" Krin screamed, leaping out from a nearby bush, "it's behind me!"
Sure enough, its face emerged next. It had red and yellow skin with yellow horns and bore a sadistic smile --- as his meal had just doubled. There was little time to take in this scene, however. The creature quickly slashed towards Sam's face. He pushed the woman away and stumbled aside, barely escaping the blade-like claws. He rolled, escaping the creature's foot but instead caught it's fist. Sam was pinned, throat-down, to the forest floor.
"I have to help, but master said not to cast it unless I had fully mastered it......" Krin thought to herself.
The daemon watched his food squirm, enjoying the moment. Its drool turned the forest floor black. Krin positioned her self, one foot in front of the other and shifted her feet. Holding her hands out she wispered "Jeloc help me" and took a deep breathe. The daemon prepared to slash Sam's throat.
"VIS FLAMMA VENTUS!!!", Krin screamed.
One by one fireballs bashed into the daemon, pushing it off of Sam and knocking it over. By the time the spell ended it had ran away whimpering. Sam, who wasn't quite sure what had just happend, sat up.
Exhausted, Krin fell to her knees. Dumbfounded, Sam got off the ground.
"Greetings..." he mumbled, puzzled.
"I'm sorry... so... very sorry. I ... had no other option. Forgive... me." gasped Krin, between pants for air.
"Think nothing of it, twas my duty as a Paladin. I am Sam, and I am quite lost, so it is no trouble to see another face in this wood. "
"My name... is Krin. Our village was attacked.... Everyone.... is dead."
"Who would do such a thing?" Sam gasped.
"The Witch... Velanthra. Recently, demons have appeared all over. Our guard did all they could to keep them at bay, until the she herself showed up. "
I'm too tired to write more.
I wrote this out of boredom, but I figure it could be the start of something for this game.
Being that this game will have the same concepts, ideas, etc. but at the same time be different, a "new world", new continent, unknown to the land of Xenimus would be a good explanation.
Here's that story I wrote out of boredom.
Chapter 1-- Shipwrecked.
Sam woke to the sound of the ocean waves gently pushing up the shore. Off in the distance he heard a hawk echoing through the trees as he reached out his hand and grasped wet sand. His conciousness had not yet fully returned, for he had not realized the gravity of the situation. A rogue wave ventured up the bank to his feet, awakening him abrubtly.
"Where am I?!" Sam panicked as he lept up. The sun was near zeenith and he could tell it was late morning. The smell of various trees and vegetation was not familliar to him after such a long voyage at sea.
"I'm on land... but where's my ship? What happend? Where is everyone?" he thought, frustrated at his own memory. He took a few stumbles forward trying to both regain his land legs and balance at the same time. Leaning on the bark of a moderate tree he examined his location.
The forest was full of tall, scattered, light brown trees he'd never seen before. Some scattered conifers offered some peace of familliarity to him, however, remembering the fast forests of evergreens at his home town of Palus. Nearby he saw a bush full of berries.
"I almost forgot about food... i've been ignoring my stomach."
Walking towards the bush he heard a sound nearby. Footsteps rustled through dried leaves and a faint gruff could be heard. Sam, unarmed, stepped back to his covert and began to watch.
The waves vehemoutly pushed up the sand as though anticipating an unwelcomed presence. Sam caught eye of the gross figure. A troll of some sort was languidly walking to the water to get a drink. Nothing good could come of trolls, and Sam planned his moment of attack.
Placing its club on the shore, the troll bent down, and with a dull expression stared at the water as though his own reflection were a spectral mystery. Sam crept slowly behind him and bent down to grab the club. A sudden wave startled the dumbfounded troll, and as he jumped he saw his assailant.
Sam jumped for the club before the troll could react. The troll had a hard time following his moves, as though it could only render one thing at a time and the absence of his club was too much to handle.
A sharp kick in the face dropped it to the ground with a splash of blood. The grunt of the creature almost found sympathy in Sam's heart, but he know the creature knew no emotion. Grasping the club one final bludgeon to the head finished his task. The lifeless corpse lay with an imploded skull on the now bloodied beach.
Used to such encounters in the forests of Palus, such an attack did not phase Sam. He abandoned the club and walked towards the bush again.
"Time to eat," he said to himself "then i'll find out where the hell I am..."
Chapter 2-- Velanthra
Through the dark forest Krin sprinted, stumbling over every pine cone or tree root. Sweet poured down her blood-stained face and her tattered shirt tore off on every nearby trunk. Her dark brown hair was now crimson from flood. Everything was against her: the bitter night, the savage darkness, and the endurance of her assailant. A roar burst out from behind her frightening the birds of every nearby tree.
"It's gaining on me! What will I do! I can't keep this pace up forever." she thought.
The daemon thrusted toward her galloping on all fours, its face filled with anticipation of food. Each footstep shook the ground with its tremendous weight--- Forged from the cauldron of Velanthra herself, the daemon had no mercy. It had come that night from out of nowhere. Krin's father heard something in the barn and went outside to check for wolves. Within seconds all Krin heard was screams. The rest was a blurr. One by one her family members were slaughtered in a matter of seconds.
Krin jumped beind a nearby tree to gain some time and confuse the beast.
"Velocitas!" she screamed with a cracking voice, crossing her hands on her chest. A blue aura swirled around her making her cramped legs rejuvinate their haste. The Daemon saw this but luckily its bulk prevented any elaborate reaction. It swurved towards her bashing into a small Elm tree sending splinters everywhere. It let out a moan, not for pain, but for the frustration of being a few feet farther away from his food. A small fire in the distance caught Krin's eye. As relentless as this chase had been she had no time to stop and think. Pushing off the tree she darted towards the yellow spec hoping to find a savior.
"Jeloc help me...." she gasped
Sam awoke from his slumber by a roar in the distance. Jumping to his feet he glanced around. He thought he could hear the faint echo of a woman. He reached to his belt for his pouch--- the only thing not claimed by the sea. Inside were some crumbs of bread under three milky pearls. He grabbed one and clasped it in his had until it cracked revealing unimaginable light from inside. Holding this orb out in his left hand he looked in the direction of the noise. Suddenly he heard thuds and felt the ground rumble.
"Help me" Krin screamed, leaping out from a nearby bush, "it's behind me!"
Sure enough, its face emerged next. It had red and yellow skin with yellow horns and bore a sadistic smile --- as his meal had just doubled. There was little time to take in this scene, however. The creature quickly slashed towards Sam's face. He pushed the woman away and stumbled aside, barely escaping the blade-like claws. He rolled, escaping the creature's foot but instead caught it's fist. Sam was pinned, throat-down, to the forest floor.
"I have to help, but master said not to cast it unless I had fully mastered it......" Krin thought to herself.
The daemon watched his food squirm, enjoying the moment. Its drool turned the forest floor black. Krin positioned her self, one foot in front of the other and shifted her feet. Holding her hands out she wispered "Jeloc help me" and took a deep breathe. The daemon prepared to slash Sam's throat.
"VIS FLAMMA VENTUS!!!", Krin screamed.
One by one fireballs bashed into the daemon, pushing it off of Sam and knocking it over. By the time the spell ended it had ran away whimpering. Sam, who wasn't quite sure what had just happend, sat up.
Exhausted, Krin fell to her knees. Dumbfounded, Sam got off the ground.
"Greetings..." he mumbled, puzzled.
"I'm sorry... so... very sorry. I ... had no other option. Forgive... me." gasped Krin, between pants for air.
"Think nothing of it, twas my duty as a Paladin. I am Sam, and I am quite lost, so it is no trouble to see another face in this wood. "
"My name... is Krin. Our village was attacked.... Everyone.... is dead."
"Who would do such a thing?" Sam gasped.
"The Witch... Velanthra. Recently, demons have appeared all over. Our guard did all they could to keep them at bay, until the she herself showed up. "
I'm too tired to write more.