by Karl G. » Thu Nov 13, 2008 2:56 pm
Thank you to everyone who was able to test the latest update before the server went down again. I am not sure when it will be back up again; I haven't hear from Thadius in over a month so...who knows what's going on there. I just wanted to make a quick post to let you all know what is happening.
I have found that the GUI system I developed needs some slight modification. After coding so many different interface dialogs, it has become obvious that I need to streamline a few things. The bazaar interface should take less than half an hour to write after I tweak it a bit, whereas writing the interface using the current code took about 3-4 hours. This will allow me to make more complex and reliable interfaces--which is a major problem right now, as you surely could tell by the number of display errors in the Bazaar.
After much consideration, I have reached the conclusion that it might be best to change course a little bit. Gameplay needs to be solidified before anything else can grow, and I'd like to get the "feel" of the game much closer to how I had imagined (and how I'm sure you've all imagined it, too). Now that we I have experience with what is easily possible as far as spells/items/character attributes and controls go, I'd like to get back to basics and set up the gameplay--piece by piece, from the ground up.
First, I'll set up player movement. This should be smooth, natural and precise even under moderate lag--no jumping, twitching, spinning, or skating. What I have right now is a patched system that delivers most of that, but some cases are overlooked and cause the game to spaz out (try running into the mountains when in gas form, for example).
Next, I'd like to get melee combat right. My first idea of trying to unify melee combat, spells and items all into a single architecture has worked, but the back-end hacks to make it work deliver weird results. For example, if you teleport away from a monster that has swung at you, you can still be hit by that monster's last attack. Also, the architecture was never intended for automatically reactive combat--i.e. shield-blocking. At this point, I can see where it would fit into a redesigned structure. This should make combat feel much better, since I'm treating it as a separate unit instead of trying to make it fit in somewhere it doesn't.
Finally, the spell system needs to be solidified. This is where I could really use some help! I am fond of the spell-combos idea, but I'm also a little disappointed in the limitations it puts on the game. Because I wanted to make any spell combo-able, spells had to have strict limitations so that creating the combos didn't overpower them. For example, no spell could be a DOT--otherwise, a DOT spell could be comboed with another DOT...which could deal disastrous damage and also create a huge amount of strain on the server. Furthermore, combo spells don't have a particularly straightforward way of being targeted, which is a gameplay issue.
During the December break from school, I am hoping to be able to focus on adding content to the game and doing design so that I can have the beta server up in January--but first things first.
Long story short, I'm not sure what to do about spells and could use your thoughts (on any of this)