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PostPosted: Thu May 07, 2009 4:55 pm
by Forlorn
Ok, so this morning me joseph and solo killed a dragon cuz solo was trying to show us a tactic right.. we did not get xp as jos was like 17 and he was 25... I am lvl 21 and went back today to solo one... I used 2 white pots countless greenies and used 5 whole body heals from geos.. The battle lasted 16 minutes (I wanted to time it) and eventually I lost to a spirit as I was transing away... HOwcome the damn dragon didnt die?? He went down in 45 seconds with the three of us and surly after 16 minutes I did way more damage than that... Does he Heal to full hp if i go a tad too far away??? Please enlighten me!


PostPosted: Thu May 07, 2009 5:00 pm
by Joe M.
Dragons have a HELL a lot of HP. The reason that first one went down so fast is that (a) we had three players pounding on it so (b) when it was attacking one player the others could hit it freely and quickly and (c) it didn't focus on one player b/c it kept getting distracted and finally (d) I was using Sarpedon, my knight, with a 29 strength 25 agility, and had popped about 10 red pots so I was hitting very very quickly (I'd say about 2x/second) while the dragon attacked you two.

It can be done, they just have a mountain of HP, so you have to take about 5 tries at it before you finally kill it.

Do it quickly--their EXP reward is going way down as a part of tonight's update! :P


PostPosted: Thu May 07, 2009 7:43 pm
by Forlorn
too late eh lol.... well I must say I had a lot of fun it was quite an epic 1v1 battle to say the least =D