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Error message cant figur it out!

Wed Sep 24, 2008 8:40 pm
by Tyler
This is what it sees any ideas....
Downloading evidyon.exe - 290 KB
ERROR! Unable to download updates at this time. If you are running Vista, this could be due to the permissions for the directory in which Evidyon is installed being set to read-only.
Re: Error message cant figur it out!

Thu Sep 25, 2008 2:41 am
by ascent
are u running vista? if so go to c:/program files/evidyon and make sure none of the files in there are "read only" this can be found under properties
Re: Error message cant figur it out!

Thu Sep 25, 2008 5:27 am
by Karl G.
Also make sure you have version 1.9.0
Re: Error message cant figur it out!

Thu Sep 25, 2008 10:19 am
by Sankt Pauli
Come On!
Sorry i just couldn't resist.

Re: Error message cant figur it out!

Thu Sep 25, 2008 1:09 pm
by Cagen
Sankt Pauli wrote:Come On!
Sorry i just couldn't resist.

Re: Error message cant figur it out!

Thu Sep 25, 2008 5:46 pm
by Tyler
Yes I am running vista and they are none to read only that I can see this is debug message.
.\volucrisclient.cpp(54): [INFO] Executing state "Startup"
.\statestartup.cpp(24): [INFO] win32-cwd: C:\Program Files\Evidyon
.\statestartup.cpp(26): [INFO] subsys-cwd: C:\Program Files\Evidyon
.\acquiregraphics.cpp(103): [INFO] Using "NVIDIA GeForce 8400 GS "
.\acquiregraphics.cpp(180): [WARNING] This computer's hardware doesn't support indexed blended animation; using software device to compensate
.\acquireresources.cpp(95): [INFO] TODO: Make sure the media file is the correct type
.\acquireresources.cpp(953): [INFO] Max vetex blend matrices: 4
.\acquireresources.cpp(954): [INFO] Max vertex blend matrix index: 255
.\volucrisclient.cpp(54): [INFO] Executing state "Connect"
.\stateconnect.cpp(142): [INFO] Connection to succeeded!
.\volucrisclient.cpp(54): [INFO] Executing state "Account Login"
.\volucrisclient.cpp(54): [INFO] Executing state "Disconnect"
.\statedisconnect.cpp(41): [INFO] Disconnection succeeded
.\volucrisclient.cpp(54): [INFO] Executing state "Shutdown"
Re: Error message cant figur it out!

Thu Sep 25, 2008 6:47 pm
by ascent
well if your Tyler in game then you have no reason to be posting it lol... because you were just on... and if you did fix it, then post how, if it however is just a random error that you get sometimes please also note that, also please note what you do and maybe even what programs are running whe nyou get the error, dont just say "zomg i get an error take the log karl and fix it!"
Re: Error message cant figur it out!

Thu Sep 25, 2008 7:25 pm
by Karl G.
.\volucrisclient.cpp(54): [INFO] Executing state "Account Login"
.\volucrisclient.cpp(54): [INFO] Executing state "Disconnect"
This means you got in, but were either (a) rejected by the server for having too high of a ping or (b) the client freaked out for some reason
Re: Error message cant figur it out!

Thu Sep 25, 2008 8:18 pm
by ascent
its probobly his connection, because i see him on every day, ooo wait, could he be account sharing? that may cause a problem since evidyon most likely isnt ready to handle multiple IP's at same time yet, check his account for multiple IP's
Re: Error message cant figur it out!

Thu Sep 25, 2008 8:31 pm
by Burnt Ferret
I'm sorry, but it has to be said:
Tyler is an idiot.
Now, to be sort of on topic with problems...
Have you found anything on why Evidyon is going nuts on some computers and not on others Karl? This might sound odd, but could it be something like lack of video codecs or something similar that could cause it? To my knowledge, my laptop meets "minimal" requirements for sure, but still gets the error. The only difference other than hardware that i can think of would be lack of video codecs, and lack of sp2. However, somebody said that they had sp2 and it still wasn't working, and they had the same error as i get on my laptop.
I will try and install it on the wife's computer (secretly...bwuahahaha). I'll see if i can duplicate the message.
Re: Error message cant figur it out!

Thu Sep 25, 2008 9:10 pm
by ascent
burnt, please dont flame in any topic where we are trying to help someone... noone called you anything when you had a problem, anyways
one reason it goes wacko on some comps and not others is because of A their connection, B their DX, C, where they installed it to, and D, their computer itself
and just because your laptop can run a game like WOW doesnt mean it can handle evidyon correctly, different graphic styles are rendered differently (as far as i know) so lets say WOW would run smoothly, you think "oh sure i can handle evidyon" boom, evidyon slaps you in the face by not working, thats because wow doesnt rely as heavily on processer speed as evidyon does, Wow is constantly mapping out the land as you move, updating and tweaking everything, evidyon however does nto (yet), Wow also has an options menu to make it so your comp can handle it better, evidyon doesnt:) btw for those who DONT know (alot of u do) wow=world of warcraft
i personally have sp2 and i'm on a cruddy comp atm, and i havnt had ANY problems with evidyon (other than lag and the random lack of skins on exoteric and darvali/gendran) but thats due to my video card coughing and being old and sick lol
Re: Error message cant figur it out!

Thu Sep 25, 2008 9:42 pm
by Burnt Ferret
I wasn't calling him an idiot because he has a problem or because he can't fix it. I just can't stand him in game. He is a complete jackass in game but then he comes on the boards asking for help.
That was my only reason. Sure, I suppose it was unnecessary, but so are his actions in game, and so is the fact that he uses a glitch to not lose gear when he dies.
Re: Error message cant figur it out!

Fri Sep 26, 2008 2:40 am
by ascent
even still, take out your anger on him in game please leave the forums as flame free as possible
Re: Error message cant figur it out!

Fri Sep 26, 2008 6:33 am
by Cagen
He really is an idiot though.
Re: Error message cant figur it out!

Fri Sep 26, 2008 6:51 am
by Karl G.
ascent wrote:and just because your laptop can run a game like WOW doesnt mean it can handle evidyon correctly...
Unfortunately, this is true. Evidyon uses a lot of CPU time because I'm trying to support older systems with crappy gfx cards. I've addressed this at length in another post, but the jist of it is that I'm going to need to make different versions of Evidyon to run on newer hardware. Ever notice how some people with awesome gfx cards still get the "indexed matrix blending not supported: using software device to compensate" error? It's because these sweet gfx cards have stopped supporting some of the older techniques that I still use for compatibility's sake.
At this point, I'm trying to make the game better for the people for whom it works. The technical issues I feel can better be resolved when the code base is more stable--fixing this today might cause more problems in the future if I fix it the wrong way.
Re: Error message cant figur it out!

Fri Sep 26, 2008 4:44 pm
by Tyler
I do not know who you are talking about in the game I have not been able to get on I do not have a char named Tyler sorry I am not runnning any programs win trying to conect I am not sharing any account I have brodband conection. I dont not have any problems conecting to any thing els I do have the curect verson of dx. Any ideas pleas let me know but I am not tyler in game so stop saying I am pleas thanks. i also am runing on a Desktop not labtop I know just cuse you can run wow wow is low requerments almost any one can are should be abel to run wow. I have a 3.5 gegherz cpu I think some were around there no leas then 3 and runing 4geg ram and 8500gfors card ran the older verson of evidyon so do not see why would be a problem know. I will be out for the weekend so if I will not be able to post tell sunday thanks for thos who are trying to help.
Re: Error message cant figur it out!

Fri Sep 26, 2008 6:11 pm
by Cagen
I'll apologise for myself, Doc and Sankt then if you aren't the tyler from in game. The tyler from in game does nothing but stand at the square harrassing people, saying "come on" to them every 20 seconds and then getting upset when he gets killed over and over. His character also appears to be bugged as he very very rarely, if ever, drops gear when we kill him. He is just plain annoying.
Re: Error message cant figur it out!

Fri Sep 26, 2008 10:26 pm
by Burnt Ferret
Yup, if you're not Tyler in game, then I am sorry. Any comment(s) i made toward "tyler" was toward the one in game.
Re: Error message cant figur it out!

Sat Sep 27, 2008 3:03 pm
by Tyler
that's cool guys i just rile want to start playin again and I cant figur it out I have done just about any thing I know how to do so if you Could just help me figur out this problem.
Re: Error message cant figur it out!

Tue Sep 30, 2008 4:51 pm
by Tyler
Can no one help me figur this out? Are is it just not enporten? I have talked to some ppl about it and they cant seem to figur out why it does this ether so any insight would be nice.
Re: Error message cant figur it out!

Tue Sep 30, 2008 6:22 pm
by Burnt Ferret
The most likely problem is that your video card is incompatible with Evidyon. If you're on a laptop, you're most likely poo out of luck. Most laptops out there don't have replaceable vid cards. If you're on a desktop, upgrade your video card.
Re: Error message cant figur it out!

Tue Sep 30, 2008 7:39 pm
by Tyler
I have a gforc 8500 almost the best you can get with out spening lots of cash it works just fine for all other games. I am on desk top any other ideas?
Re: Error message cant figur it out!

Tue Sep 30, 2008 8:53 pm
by Joe M.
There are currently some issues with video-card compatibility. Upgrading is not the answer: Evidyon doesn't play nice with newer cards at the moment. Karl opted for compatibility by using slightly older technology, but then came to find out that a lot of newer cards (such as the one on my machine) don't support that older technology anymore. It doesn't kill the game for me, but it does force software rendering, which is pretty far from ideal.
Re: Error message cant figur it out!

Tue Sep 30, 2008 10:01 pm
by Tyler
So what do you suchest?
Re: Error message cant figur it out!

Tue Sep 30, 2008 10:31 pm
by Burnt Ferret
only other option would be to buy a crappier card, or wait for karl to "upgrade" if he does.