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So where are we progress wise?

Thu Mar 06, 2008 6:08 pm
by lawn gnome
I dont log on here much anymore, things seem to have died down....
Whats the news on where things are?
I really enjoy your work on the map editors, they are great. But i want to see more work into the actual game. I know, it takes a lot of work to program a game, but i know that if you put off the map editors til after the game then you could easily produce a newer version of volucris.
So where are you game beta wise with volucris?
Re: So where are we progress wise?

Tue Mar 11, 2008 9:43 am
by Karl G.
Hey man,
Sorry to take so long to reply. I'm hard at work at school/research and because my classes have gotten a lot harder (and more time consuming) I've had to take a break.
But there is hope! This next week (starting Saturday) is SPRING BREAK WOO!!! I fully intend to dedicate as much of my time as possible to working on the client & server of PV, and (cross my fingers, knock on wood) hope to have a skeleton demo out by the end of the break. I have most of the code lying around my computer, I just need to get it collected & tested.
I completely agree that the map editor is in a good state now. However, I had to work on it a lot to make sure that I was able to add new features and change things around without messing up the way the client would interpret the data. This way, I can constantly improve the game without having to rewrite everything to accommodate some new feature.
Thanks for checking in! See you in a week.
Re: So where are we progress wise?

Tue Mar 11, 2008 2:47 pm
by lawn gnome
spring break is the reason i posted, Im currently on it.
I cant wait to see what you can produce now that you will have some time to work on PV.
Good luck Karl.
Re: So where are we progress wise?

Tue Mar 11, 2008 3:55 pm
by Karl G.
Thanks! I'm pretty damn excited too

Re: So where are we progress wise?

Wed Mar 12, 2008 6:29 pm
by XpLiCiT
im excited.
tho i never post so you wouldnt know it!