Re: I think it's time.

Karl G. wrote:- We couldn't have shrine-type areas because people would just portal to the end of them.
No they wont, xen had these areas where spells like trans was delayed and creara porta couldnt be marked, which is why a shrine would have to be walked through. unless it got hard and u ported OUT of it.
Also Ej had certain spots which you could not mark, Castles, Shrines etc.
Karl G. wrote:- No part of dungeons could be "special" because people would just ignore the rest of the dungeon completely--and we would have wasted our time and the server's resources creating them.
Same answer as before, imagine making a Square like hunting ground which you cant trans or port on once you get on it to grind? the reason could pop up on screen when entering "foul magics seem to be blocking some of your powers", in such a area you would only be able to attack, gasform, run attack etc no trans or porting until you left that area.(this would make it also risky grinding such places because you couldnt just PORT back)
Karl G. wrote:- Unique monsters would have to be severely limited in the items they drop and the exp they give, otherwise they'd never spawn for more than a few minutes since people would be constantly camping them
if you had several spots like this in a huge bum world i promisse people would pk for the spots they had(which was fun on xen), though extremely hard and good giving exp monsters should have a timer of at least 3-5 minuttes so that you could clear other spots before returning.
- All delivery quests, discovery quests (visit these areas, talk to these people, find this shrine) would be pointless since the player could skip everything by just getting someone to portal them to all the necessary points
Well, the idea behind portals for me was that it was going to be high lvl spell, and low lvls would still have to travel quite alot around, and to balance this out a high lvl quest would f.ex have tight timelimits and several spots you would have 2 go to complete.
- As soon as new map content was added to the game, it wouldn't be new anymore even if the people discovering it tried to keep it secret. Ex: One person figures out the trick to getting into a secret hall filled with cool monsters and good loot. He ports there, someone else porthops and marks the location. Being a douche this other person just sits in town making portals to the area and everyone now has a mark inside the area.
Thats why Ej inserted a stop action button which closed all portals stopped all attacks, so that you could keep your hunting grounds secret, i even would go out of town before i ever ported somewhere, this was part of the risks and also then part of alot of fun.
only if you make it possible to portal back to the spot where you died, i say it should be reset, and if you are bothered about low lvls wanting to grind high lvl monsters then just make it so that theres a huge difference between monsters lvls so they die and dont try anymore.Karl G. wrote:- Players far below the level which an area is intended for can probably get anywhere in it without much trouble--portal, trans/trans/trans, mark, die, respawn. Repeat X times.
Also, part of some of the xen fun was finding friends who had better spots than you had, like isle, lava imps, new wars, old wars, ds trolls.
And here are some problems with preventing marks in a dungeon or area:
Karl G. wrote:- If you run out of potions or supplies, you're pretty much screwed since you can't get back in without starting over.
which is why only real hardcore players would be able to do this, and a real good player always went back 2 town after he had 0 pots left, even though he most likely found some pots WHILE grinding, also EJ had some spots which were non markable and non portable, but he also had several hybrid dungeons/hunting spots, where u could not trans but you could port out.
part of the risks yes, but on xen you could easily if using your brain get a mark near where u lost your gear, and most likely would lie on the ground getting "guild/link" to help you.Karl G. wrote:- If you die & respawn in a dungeon you have to start completely over, and your gear will almost certainly be gone by the time you get back. If the cost of accessing the dungeon is very high you just basically wasted your time.
Karl G. wrote:- Since monsters spawn constantly, there is no safe place to wait and talk strategy (or talk to someone in real life who may be more important than the game you're currently playing). Since you can't leave, it's basically just a constant fight.
you can alter the spawnrate of monsters at certain hard spots.
All you have to do karl is make square like hunting grounds which some spells are not permitted, which is what GH/SHRINES etc was about, you could not Mark inside a shrine EVER, you could not trans fast through a shrine EVER the spell was delayed by like 10 seconds, and if you tried Gassing you would get dispelled and most likely might die if a noob.
really like the idea of some intelligent monsters acting wierdly towards certain spells, but that could f.ex be a boss which could pull you back and forth with his powers if you wanted to escape.
Also you said people would be portalling in and out of bosses, why just not make bosses inside dungeons where you had 0 mark ability? also i recall that Ej made it so that such spots where useless for high lvls players so they would never waste a mark on such spots.
many solutions if you just read and recall past xen.