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Another success!

PostPosted: Thu May 29, 2008 7:58 pm
by Karl G.
The spell system's underlying methods are working.

PV's system has two components: what you can actually see and what the program does. These are two different things. The spell special effects (particles, etc) have nothing to do with what actually happens when you cast a spell. So what's working right now is this underlying method--you can't see much, but the spells do things!

And right now, I can make many fundamentally different types of spells in the editor--all without writing a single line of code! I've used the editor to make these spells so far:

* "moonbeam" equivalent (pick a target to do delayed damage)
* "venenum" equivalent (targeted DOT)
* "venenum nimbus" (area DOT)
* magic missle
* flame wind (radial, directed DOT)
* Vis Flamma Ventus (multiple projectile spread)
* fragor (explosion around self)
* a spell type xenimus doesn't have: multiple untargeted projectiles; ex, shoot magic missle in 5 directions at once
* flame wind (DOT to surrounding enemies)
* another spell type Xen doesn't have: targeted projectiles; ex. shoot a magic missile at closest 5 enemies
* another spell type Xenimus doesn't have: rays; ex. hit all enemies in a line from yourself to a target

now to make 'em look purty! video soonish :D

Re: Another success!

PostPosted: Sat May 31, 2008 10:32 pm
by a_link_to_the_past
Sweet Gravy Karl!

I like the ideas you've got with the new spells. That should spice PvP up a bit.. also create possiblites for characters to focus on different elements rather than just lets say..

Shadow.. because thats all their spells consist of..

I can't wait to see em in action.